Chapter 8 - No it's not.

Start from the beginning

I can feel my curiosity burning in my brain but, unlike Mason, I don't plan on going out and bluntly asking what the deal is with that. There are boundaries that even I can't cross and I know better than to even try.

Beck's not the kind of guy to just hand you all the answers, especially not about something as personal as his home life. I've only known the guy for a week and I already know that.

It's like earlier, right before he left, when I asked a question that he wasn't comfortable with. It wasn't even a question, really... more of a hint at a question... but he instantly shut down before I could even figure out what was happening. It was kind of unsettling to watch, I'm not going to lie, and it's clearly a skill he's mastered over the years.

I wonder why. I wonder what happened that was so extreme as to cause such a defence mechanism within him... because that's exactly what it is. A defence mechanism. I've seen similar reactions in others passing through town, but not quite to the same extent as Beck. They're all running from something, though, and Beck's no exception.

Just then my phone starts ringing, bringing me out of my thoughts as I fish it out of my back pocket and check to see whose calling.

It's Darcy.

"I'm going to kill him!" is the first thing she says after I answer and put the phone to my ear.

"Kill who?" I ask, surprised by how angry she sounds.


Ah, shit.

"What's he done now?" I ask.

"He's only gone and gotten himself a job!" she informs me, making it seem like the scummiest thing he could've possibly ever done.

Um... what?

"Ugh, my God, the asshole!" I reply, unable to keep the amusement and confusion out of my voice. She soon picks up on it.

"Don't laugh! It's a job at Frankie's!" she tells me, wiping the smile off my face straight away.

Frankie's hotel? As in the same place that Darcy works at?

"Why the hell would he do that?" I ask.

"Because he wants to destroy me," she says sulkily. "Why can't he just stay out of my life?"

"Because he's an asshole," I say, this time completely serious.

What a wanker.

"I should quit."

"You shouldn't quit."

"Why not?"

"Because you've gotta stand your ground," I tell her. "Show him that he can't mess with you anymore and he'll soon go away."

"Why are guys such knobheads?" she asks with a sigh.

"I don't know, maybe it's in their DNA," I reply with a shrug, immediately transported back to thoughts of my runaway ex-asshole.

We're silent for a few seconds, both lost deep in our own thoughts, until she speaks back up again.

"Tell me something interesting," she demands, taking me off guard slightly by the sudden change of subject.

"Why?" I ask.

"Because if you don't take my mind off him then I'm going to walk over to his and punch him in the face," she answers honestly.

She's not joking, I can tell.

"Meh, I don't know. That sounds more fun. Can I join?" I ask with a laugh.

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