Chapter 14.Feelings

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Leah's POV

I was waiting to hear news from jen at the hospital , trying to compose myself . "Mam , the doctor came up to me. "Jennifer will be fine gladly she arrived just in time". when i heard that i sighed in relive thank you doc , when will I be able to see her?. "She's gonna be here a few days until we get her stabilized so I suggest You go home and some back tomorrow to check on her". I took her suggestion and went home.

The next day Leah went back to the hospital and jen had already woken up, She had bruises and a cut on her face , leah tried there best to stay strong for them both.

How- how are you? leah said as she sat right next to jen in the hospital room. I- I guess I am better. Jennifer I am so sorry I feel like this is all my fault. But what you saw was a misunderstanding , he kissed me and I didn't kiss back I pushed him away he's a jerk." leah its okay I overreacted too".

Why did you though? I asked , "I don't know I just didint like seeing you with him specially after all he did to you". In that moment I looked deeply into her eyes and I couldn't help but say what was in my mind. Jennifer I have to be honest, When the accident happened I was terrified to loose you. I wouldn't know what to do with out you but mostly I was sacred of me not being able to tell you the truth. So I figured is now or never right? cause one day were here and the other we are not .

The truth is that I've been in love with you a long time ago, I've been falling for you hopelessly , I never thought I would get to kiss you or be that close too you but it happened and I know it might have not meant anything to you but it did mean something to me.Even though you don't feel the same or your not gonna look at me the same way I just needed to say that. Jen was totally in shock, leah saw her reaction and just left. At this point she was totally overthinking the situation.

After that Leah and Jen did not talk until it was time for Jen to get out of the hospital. Leah hadn't come to visit Jen in those days cause she was too ashamed and hurt about the whole situation. She was already thinking about ways to move on since in her mind she was sure that Jen wasn't gonna feel the same way. In the other side after leah left Jen couldn't stop thinking about her , about all she said , she tossed and turned in her sleep regretting watching leah leave without saying anything back, she wanted too but was too afraid. She decided that she was gonna stay quiet cause she doesn't want to get hurt and knows that if this went further it could damage the friendship and she could loose the one thing she cared about ... leah.

Leah arrived at the hospital to get Jen back home. Trying to keep her head up she went to jen's room and she drove her back home. the car ride was silent .

Leah's POV

When we got home I quickly walked to my room avoiding the conversation that jen would ask us to have. I know I was being cold but I had too, it was the only way I could stop myself from feeling. the next days we pretended like we were normal friends , like nothing happened, our relationship was anyways affected but I was getting good at pretending that everything was ok. One day at night I decided that I was gonna drink the pain away and went to that old bar that me and Kate used to go to.

After a few drinks I started feeling a bit better until my eyes were surprised to see kate flirting in a little corner with some other girl I stood up and had to get out of there. I wasn't necessarily hurt but I was just realizing that the only one alone here is me. My heart is stuck on someone imposible and I can't move on. No matter how hard I try I can't get her out of my head, I keep imagining one thousand futures with her. The memory of us keeps replaying in my mind and sometimes I just want to rip my heart out. I got back home and jen was there , she gave me this look... I clearly looked like a mess but I didn't think it was that bad. She looked sorry for me and that made me angry.

Leah are you okay? she asked eventually. Yeah I am fine , "you don't look fine" , come sit here she tapped the seat right next to her. I sat down and she smiled at me. She was wearing a white blouse and some black shorts , her hair in a tie ; completely flawless through my eyes.

she grabbed my hand  and softly embraced it with  hers while she looked into my eyes

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she grabbed my hand and softly embraced it with hers while she looked into my eyes. She pulled me closer and she hugged me. After a pause and a silence she kissed me. I felt her soft lips brush against mine.I put my hand through her hair as it got more intense but then I separated the kiss. What are we doing ? I asked . What do you mean? she smiled . You know what never mind , I kissed her again.For that moment time stopped and I didn't care if I kept on getting hurt, maybe the suffering was worth it ,cause every moment with her was.

Sorry for taking so long to update guys. Anyways here you go, this chapter was a bit more fluffy but It really focused on leah's feelings , soon enough well find out what Jen thinks too. thanks for the reads and support , don't forget to vote and comment xoxo

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