"Let's just put this behind us." She said.

Looking at her harmed body, I felt sick to my stomach again.

"Daniel, forget about it." She stated. "We're both moving on, okay?"

I nodded. "I just hate looking at you like this."

She looked fake shocked, "I don't think I look that bad!"

I cracked a smile, laughing, "No. You're beautiful. I meant I hate seeing you in pain."

She simply smiled.

"Can I take you out?" I asked her. "It's been so long. Too long." I added, as I heard a honk penetrate through the house.

Her face fell into a grimace. "Um, actually, I have to head to the airport soon. My mother scheduled a flight to L.A as soon as I was released from the hospital." She stated grimly.

My heart nearly shattered. No matter what...this is how it will always be.

Trying to hide my discontent, I said "Oh. Okay. I understand."

"I'm sorry, Daniel." She stated, as another honk sounded.

"That's my driver, I should get going now."

I walked her to my door, feeling a wave of sadness go through my body. She embraced me in a tight hug.

We stood there for about a minute, before another honk.

"I love you." She said, whole heartedly.

"I love you too." I said back, half heartedly.

I watched the car until it was out of my sight. I hate this. I hate never being able to see her. My heart told me that this wasn't for me. I love her, but is my love for her stronger than my love to be able to see, hold, and kiss my girlfriend...

Jay <3 I'll see you soon. Love you <3

How many times have I heard that before? How many times have I said this to her as well? We both know that it's a lie yet we both try to fool ourselves in denial.

Hazel Something told me to check up on you...how are you

creep kid? (Even tho what I said was sort of creepy oh well)

I cracked a smile seeing her name and message.

Me I think you deserve that title now ;) haha. I'm good ma. Thanks tho. And can we please get a new nickname for me? lol

Hazel U sure? & noooo never.

Me I just feel like I'm always venting to u...are you not annoyed by me yet??? lol

Hazel Don't ever feel like that. I love helping you and you should know that by now.

Me Can I call you?

Hazel Sure

"Hello?" Her voice sounded through the phone.

"Hey, Diggy."

"Ooo, no more creep kid?"

"Only because I'm working on that nick name-"

"HAZEL!" I heard a small voice call out in the background.

"Yes, Hay?" She said.

"Who is that?" I heard Haley ask.

"It's Diggy. Miley's big brother."

"Hi, Diggy!" Haley screamed.

"Hi sweetheart." I laughed.

"Can I talk to Miley?" She asked.

Before I could answer, I was cut off by Hazel. "Haley you will see her this weekend, remember? Please go back to your room."

There was a moment of them bickering similar to me and Miley sometimes. "Sorry about that. What's up?" She asked.

"I'm sort of kind of back on good terms with Jonna." I stated, cutting straight to the point.

"What?" She stated in disbelief.

I understand why she is shocked. I mean just the other day, we were on "operation expose cheaters" and talking about moving on.


"Yeah. She came to my house and long story short we resolved things."

"So...that's good right?"

"Then, of course, she had to leave." I stated. "That same feeling I felt before came over me and I honestly regretted ever even making up. No matter what, she will always be busy, I will always be busy, and we will never see each other."

"I'm sorry." She stated, her voice full of sympathy.

There was a moment of silence between us.

"Diggy, can I be completely honest with you?"

I only waited for her to continue.

"I'm only saying this because although we've only known each other for a short time, I do kind of care." She stated, half jokingly on the "kind of care" part.

"Kind of?!"

She lightly laughed. "Do whatever you want with your relationship, but I feel like you guys should just call it off. I feel like for this entire month that I've known you, you are always upset because of her or the relationship. I've honestly never seen you happy. Every time we talk, it's about her. I don't think she's any good for you. Considering you both have your conflicting schedules, I think you both need to find someone who can work with your schedules."

And I already knew all of this. And it is now legitimate now that another person sees this as well. Why am I still holding on to something that is barely there? Why is she? Why are we doing this to each other?

"You took the words right out of my mouth." I admitted. "I don't know what ima do."

"It sounds really cheesy but follow your heart, kid."

"Thank you Hazel."

"No problem. So is everything cool now?"

"Not yet."

"What's wrong?" She asked, concern in her voice again.

"Well you didn't tell me what's up with you...you good?"

"Aw, I'm good. Thanks for asking." I could hear her smiling which made me smile.

"You sure?"

"We actually talked today." She stated, sounding content.

"Really?" My eyebrows raised at this, interested in what happened between them.

"Yeah. We're back together."

What got to me the most about this statement, is the effect it had on me.

Super late update but I had writers block for this one and school stuff. Comment/vote for the next pretty pleaseee :)
Thanks for all the votes on the last one!!

Diggy Simmons | Someone Like Daniel Where stories live. Discover now