Chapter Seven

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Diggy's POV

Confusion, anger, and sadness wrenched through my soul. Part of me couldn't believe that this is real...this is actually real. Part of me was confused and couldn't fathom why this would happen. Part of me was angry - angry that I let her into my world just for her to destroy me and then leave.

One person. One person can destroy you. One person can be in control of all your feelings. One person can make you fall in love with every single aspect and attribute about them. One person can make your days extremely happy...just as well as they could be the cause of the worst day of your life.

When I received the call that she was in the hospital, I dropped everything to see her. To see another guy there who I've seemingly been replaced with...killed me.

To know that I couldn't make her happy enough and be there for her enough to the point where another guy took my place.

I knew that we were growing a part due to our conflicting schedules, but I thought that we could rekindle that spark that we once had...that I still have for her.

Yes, I was skeptical about our relationship. But I had honestly thought that her accident would have brought us back together and would mend the distance.

I never thought I'd see the day where we'd actually be over.

"You alright bro?" A voice called from behind me.

I looked over to find Roger standing in the doorway. My eyes averted elsewhere while sheepishly nodding my head.

He sauntered into my room and took a seat on the swivel chair next to my desk.

"You good?" He questioned again, unconvinced.

I didn't want to seem weak in front of my boy, so I shook it off again. The last thing I need is him and Spin talking about how 'soft' I am.

"She wasn't even all that, bro. I mean, yeah, she was cute, but she kind of had a unibrow-"

"Roger! I'm good. No need for all a' that." I said, managing to smile.

"Too soon?" He asked.

I just shook my head, genuinely smiling ever since.

"But you know what it's never too soon for? Food." He said. "Let's go to get something. You need to get your mind off of...uh..." He trailed off awkwardly.

"Why not?" I agreed, hopping off of the bed.

I mean, why sit around miserable all day while she's with that guy? Why don't I go out and enjoy myself rather that letting her consume all of my time and thoughts while I'm not in any of hers.

Easier said than done. As much as I wished I could genuinely get over this so quickly, I knew it wouldn't and I knew that no matter what I did she would always be in the back of my mind.

But I could at least make believe that I'm alright for the time being. And maybe I might just have a good time.

I was slightly confused as we pulled into the familiar parking lot of the nightclub. What are we doing here?

"Bro, we should go. What else do we have to do? You really need to just live a little and get your mind off of things." Roger suggested as he pulled into a parking space.

I hesitated this suggestion.

"Bro. You have to admit you haven't had any real fun lately. I mean with all the shows and traveling you've been so busy and stressed. It seems like ever since you started dating her you've been upset or down and I really can't let my boy be all down and out because of some girl."

Despite my reluctance, I simply shrugged, feeling indifferent. "You're right."

The same scenery that I had witnessed before stood before my eyes along with the boisterous music overwhelming crowd, themulti colored flashing lights, fog, and overly "turnt up" teenagers.

Roger and I made sure that the first thing we did was order hot wings since our previous plans were cancelled.
Of course, Roger ditched me to chill with Paris during her break. In the corner of my eye, I saw Hazel making her way into the back room where she spent her breaks.

After a moment of contemplating, I ran to catch up to her, being sure to make myself not noticeable without any security.

I caught up to Hazel to find her phone pressed to her ear.

Are you going to be here soon? If not by the next thirty minutes then there's no need to come. And why did my mom say she saw you at the hospital?


Okay. Hope to see you.

I ram up beside her after she hung up and she was slightly startled, putting a hand over her chest.

"You scared me!" She laughed.

"Sorry about that."

"You sure do live up to the whole celebrity creep kid title."

"Maybe." I shrugged, smirking. "But I kind of need to talk to you about something if you don't mind."

"I wanted to talk to you too. I've been kind of worrying about you. I hope that doesn't sound too weird. Ever since you went storming off in a rush, I was a little worried."

I couldn't help but to notice she was always genuine. She never faked that she cared or tried to make it seem like she did; she genuinely cared.

And it's rare to find such a real, pure person like that.

And although I've only known her for so long, I appreciated her because of that.

I sat in a chair across from her. I sighed, thinking about all the heartache I've been trying to avoid all day.

"Remember Jonna?" I asked.

She nodded awaiting a response.

"Well the reason I stormed off that day was because I got a call telling me that she was in the hospital. At the moment, I've never been so sure of loving her in my life. All of the doubts I had about her just faded..."

I took a deep breath before continuing the rest of the story.

"So I went to go see her...and there was some other guy. She cheated on me."

I was looking down the entire time and looked at Hazel who seemed so shocked and sorrowful.

There was a moment of silence before she spoke.

"I'm so sorry." She said quietly.

"I just don't know what went wrong. I mean the distance was killing me too, but I would never do that to her." I said with sadness etched into my voice.

"She said she loved me and she wanted this to work and she goes and does this."

"I'm sorry." Hazel said again. "I'm so sorry."

"You know what? She's not all to blame. It's my fault too. I wasn't there for her enough. I just wasn't enough for her at all."

She got up from her chair walking over to me with open arms. "Please come here." She said.

I filled the space in her arms, hugging her tightly.

The hug was so genuine. It felt good to have a good hug like this.

She pulled back a little, before I hugged tighter to keep her in my embrace.

"Thank you." I said.

"Why are you thanking me?"

"You're a great person."

There was silence as we stayed in that same position.

"And so are you. I'm sorry that she couldn't see that."

"I'm glad someone does."

I left the break room to find the entire place was emptied and vacant. It was so weird to see it jam packed and boisterous to seeing it completely empty with no music, lights, or teenagers.

I spotted Roger and Paris being lovey dovey, and Hazel and some guy talking to each other. I couldn't see his face considering his back was toward me.

Well this is pretty awkward. I'm pretty much the only one here by their lonesome. Great.

My phone vibrated and I pulled it out to see that I received a message.

It was from Jonna<3. Seeing the name almost broke my heart again. Seeing the heart from when I programmed her name in my phone when we first started dating killed me. I remember her getting mad at me because I put her name as Jonna. Most people called her Jay but I would always call her by her full name. I was the only one allowed.

I sighed, trying to ignore these memories and stuffed my phone back in my pocket.

I saw Hazel look over towards me and wave me over. The guy looked back at me, and he was still to far to make out a face.

I approached closer to find myself facing the same guy that Jonna cheated on me with.

So much going on here! Make sure you comment and vote. I noticed I get a lot of reads but barely and likes or votes and I was just wondering if you guys really like the story or not? What can I do to make it more enjoyable?

Thanks for reading!

I hope you have a wonderful holiday, you all deserve it :)

Diggy Simmons | Someone Like Daniel Where stories live. Discover now