Prologue: Getting By

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Ryland walked into the trailer park and to her trailer. She took her key out of her pocket, Beatie Boys playing loudly in her headphones.

Ryland had a story, like everyone else. She was an only child. Her father abused her mother and cheated on her. When Ryland was 9, her father left them. Her mother had worked two jobs to try and get money for them. Ryland would end up spending the days alone.

On her 18th birthday, Ryland's mother passed away and she was on her own. Her mother left her some money, but not enough to pay for a house. So, she bought a trailer.

She worked at Detroit Stamping from 9-5 as a means of getting by. She got good pay for it, as long as she was on time. The trailer park was a while away from the Stamping and at the moment, Ryland had no car. Or, at least, couldn't afford one.

This meant she had to take the bus, which was never on time. It was always at least a minute off. If she was lucky, it'd be on time and she'd get to work on time.

As Ryland entered her trailer, she looked over her mail. Bills, bills, bills. Nothing but bills. She threw the bills on the table and sat down on the couch. She turned on the small TV. Some show started playing, but she didn't pay much attention to it. She was writing.

Ryland was something of a rapper. She could spit a rhyme as easy as saying her ABCs. The thing is, she's white. Rap was a blacks game, except for Vanilla Ice, who basically ruined rap for all of the white people out there who really could rap.

So, for now, Ryland worked at the Stamping and only rhymed when she was alone because as far as anyone else was concerned, Ryland was white trash.

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