Me: roxy just shut the fuck up

Mrs. Martinez: Autumn one more word you will be out of this class.

Jake: say one more word Autumn

Me: you know what why don't all of you shut the fuck up.

Jake: I don't think I will

Then I walked over by Jake and socked him in the jaw.

Mrs. Martinez: Autumn that's it get out

Me: it's my pleasure... Hate this class anyway

Jake: just get the fuck out Autumn

Me: what have something to say Jake

Jake: no why would I

Mrs. Martinez: OUT NOW!

Then I got out of the class and sat up against the lockers.

Then Jake came out.

Jake: hey Autumn

Me: why the hell are you talking to me?....I hate you

Jake: I know

Me: then get away from me.

Jake: I don't think so

Me: I thinks so get the hell away from me

Jake: we can be best friends

Me: oh hell no

Then to my utter dismay I heard someone behind me.

I turned around and saw.....Elliot.

Me: Elliot!

Elliot: what are you two doing out here

Me: yeah long story

Elliot: um.. Ok?.... Is he bothering you

I look at Jake and look back at Elliot.

Me: oh umm no

Elliot: are you sure

Me: yes I'm sure

Elliot: are you positive

Me: Elliot I'm fine go

Elliot: um ok

Then Elliot left

Jake: you know the Anderson's

Me: doesn't everyone

Jake: well yeah but he knows you

Me: yeah your point

Jake; how do you know them

Me: I just do ok and why would it matter

Jake: now tell me or it's not going to end nicely

Me: nope

Then he grabbed me by the neck and threw me at the lockers. This is where I hate being light.

Jake: now will you tell me

Me: well I'm there friends

Jake: how do you know them

Me: well here's the thing I um kinda well...

Jake: come on spit it out

Me: I'm not a damn dog

Jake: well finish

Me: well I live with them (said very fast)


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