Chapter 3

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Liam: what was that for

Me: you'll find out later

Then Liam took me home.



When we got home I immediately went up to my room and went in my bathroom and vomited.

I was still vomiting when Elliot came home.

And he came in my room while I was still puking.

Elliot: why the hell did you slap me

I turned to him and just puked some more.

Elliot: stop fake puking

Me: how the hell do you fake puke

Elliot: I don't know but why did you slap me

Me: really

Elliot: yes really

Me: first I was drunk second you flirted with me and you were making out with my friend

Elliot: sorry I flirt with everyone

Me: the main reason why I slapped you was because I was drunk and that you were making out with my friend and I got mad at that because I know you are going to diss her like your other girlfriends

Elliot: I'm really sorry

I shook my head in understand meant as I turned my head to puke more.

Elliot grabbed a washcloth cleaned my face up.

Elliot: is this your first time getting drunk.

Me: no

I spent another 30 min puking then i was done with the puking session.

Elliot: let's get you some rest

Then Elliot helped me over to my bed then he tucked me in bed and then left.

I was out in less than 5 minutes.




At 9 in the morning I heard people out side my door.

Liam: how is she

Elliot: still sleeping

Brandon: how is she

Liam: I just asked that ass

Then I came out

Elliot: did we wake you

Me: no the freaking heard of elephants in Africa woke me

Brandon: really

Me: no of course you guys woke me

Then I pushed them out of the way and went downstairs.

I grabbed a water and a poptart.

Then I went back up sto my room.

I are the poptart.

Yeah that poptart did not stay down.

I puked it up along with some blood. Which freaked the fuck out of me.

While I was puking up the blood I heard a knock on the door.

I couldn't really answer it because I was puking.

Whoever was knocking on the door left after a while.

I was puking up for awhile. I could feel that I was loosing consciousness.

I heard a few knocks on the door and after awhile they just came in.

It was Elliot.

Elliot: oh my god AUTMUN!

Liam ran in

Liam: what

Elliot: go get mom

Amy: oh my god what happened

Elliot: call 911

Amy: on it

Elliot: stay with me Autumn


I know it is a short chapter but here it is

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