"My jeans are already ruined" he said laughing as he accidentally slipped into the water

"You never wear pants and now we're gonna have to buy new jeans" I laughed at him 

"Because you come so prepared for the beach" he joked as he splashed me with water. 

"More prepared than you Mr. Brock" 

Colby ended up just not giving a damn about his clothes and he sat down in the wet sand and started to sink down into it. He body was upright but the mushy sand underneath him so very uncomfortable. 

"This is probably the worst feeling of my life" he said as he changed his sitting position 

"No the worst feeling was when that girl pushed you out of the way to get a picture with just Sam" I said bringing up a memory laughing 

"That was the weirdest thing ever.....girls from other states are really just strange in their own ways"

"Thanks Colby, love you too" I joked as he came in to hug me 

"Well your different. Your my girlfriend so it's weird in general that your even dating me" he said laughing as he put his arms around me and held me close 

The ocean smell came forward with each gust of wind that made my hair blow in every direction. We were both sitting in the sand together in our clothes just enjoying each others company. Since I don't get to see Colby too often I always just enjoy being together. Whether together is on an adventure, relaxing, or just for a few minutes at a time. 

Colby picked up my chin as I whipped my hair out of my face and he looked down at me and smiled. He beautiful smile was so enchanting that I couldn't help but smile at him. He placed his lips against mine and slowly his lips began to move. 

Colby has such soft lush lips that were able to mesmerize the soul of anyone around him. We sat on the beach for a while just kissing one another being gentle and embracing one another. 

I pulled back and said "You know we're gonna have to get back in your car in these clothes" I laughed because we were soaking wet covered in sand 

"That's not gonna be a fun car ride home" he said to me smiling 

He didn't think too much about his car because he just leaned back down and started to kiss me again. For the months that I was away I just missed being near Colby and knew the stress level was raising each day we were apart. 

"Can I ask you something?" Colby asked 

"Anything" I said confidently 

"You know how you were thinking about taking a semester off of school and staying out here with me" he asked hoping I would remember 

"Yeah I remember" I said not know where this was going. 

Was he gonna tell me not to? Did he want to be alone? Did he only enjoy long distance? Was Colby getting bored of being around me? 

"Well instead of just a semester.....how about once you graduate would you want to come live out here with me?"  

"You want me to live with you?" I asked making sure I heard him correctly 

"Yes, y/n honestly I can see you being in my life for a while and I don't want to skip over the chance of being with you for a long time or permanently for that matter" 

"I was not expecting you to say that" I said as I started to think "What about Sam? Are you guys not going to live together anymore?" 

"No of course not! Sam and I are fine. We are extending our apartment and the landlord is allowing us to extend into the next apartment for free. Now we would have a lot more space and make separate bedrooms" 

I stood up and started to pace around in a small circle. Colby noticed that I was struggling to think and he then stood up also. He placed his hands around my waist and rest his forehead down on mine. He closed his eyes and just held me for a minute without saying a word. 

He then said "You don't have to decide anytime soon" 

"Colby I want to move in with you" I blurted out 

"You do?" 

"Yes and I have something to tell you" I said seeing Colby's facial expression change dramatically. "I don't know how your going to react exactly but I'm just going to say it" 

"What is it?" he asked with a scared concerned look on his face 

"Colby, I think I love you" 

"I don't have to think.....I know I love you" he said as he placed his lips against mine 

He didn't pull back until the adorable moment we just shared was ruined by the feeling of my foot sinking into the ground. It made it look like I had a dead leg and I got embarrassed. Colby started laughing and with our wet and soggy clothes we made a straight forward run to the giant Pacific Ocean. We ran straight into the crystal blue ocean water with all of our clothes on and didn't care about the dozens of people that watched us be crazy. 

Crazy in love. 

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