Chapter 8

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"I went back home to Pallet Town to talk with my mom about staying here in Kalos," Ash told his friends. His words were met with gasps of shock from everyone except Serena and his Pokemon, who already knew.
"Why?" Clemont asked. "I mean, we're happy to have you here, but wouldn't you want to go home?"
Ash glanced furtively over to Greninja and Delphox, then over at Pikachu and Sylveon before replying, "It's a complicated story."
"Not bad, I hope?" Clemont asked worriedly. Ash shook his head, thanking Arceus that his friend was just as dense as he was. Bonnie, however, had seen where he was looking and had put two and two together.
"Oh, so you asked to stay here because you thought Greninja and Pikachu were happy here?" she clarified.
Ash nodded. "Yes," he admitted, a little embarrassed. Greninja smiled at him and Pikachu nuzzled his face happily.
"So I assume your mother agreed then, if you're here," Serena spoke up. Ash looked down at his feet. "Ash?"
Ash looked back up. "Well....not exactly," he admitted. "My mom didn't want me leaving the house already, so....I kind of asked a friend of mine to modify her memories until I go back. She won't remember any of the time I'm gone, so it keeps me out of trouble."
Well, it wasn't a total lie. He'd only declined to mention the fact that his mother wouldn't remember that she had a son at all. Thankfully, his friends bought his explanation and didn't berate him for it.
"Well, we're all glad that you'll be staying here, Ash," Clemont said, shaking his hand.
Ash smiled at his friend. "Say Clemont, I was just thinking. If Serena and I go on a journey together, do you and Bonnie want to come with us?"
Bonnie's eyes lit up. "Oh please, big brother, can we go?" she begged. "I want to meet more Pokemon."
"Sure, why not?" Clemont agreed, much to his sister's delight. "Clembot is more than capable of handling the gym. And I have to admit, traveling was quite a lot of fun."
"Awesome!" Serena said happily. "I think this calls for a celebration. What do you say we all go out to brunch?"
"Sure," Ash agreed, laughing. "I just realized I haven't eaten since yesterday."
"That's a record," Serena joked. Ash rolled his eyes fondly.
"So where do you want to go?" he asked.
"I know, I know!" Bonnie piped up. "We can go to Lumiose City!"
"Good idea, Bonnie," Serena said kindly. "Let's bring the Pokemon too."
"Yeah, maybe we can get a table for two reserved for Greninja and Delphox and another for Pikachu and Sylveon," Bonnie suggested.
A loud chorus of, "BONNIE!" split the room as the aforementioned Pokemon went red.

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