Chapter 3 : Shapeshifting

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I awoke at 7 o clock.  Mason was gone as usual.  I got up and changed into some jeggins and a nice purple top. I went into my bathroom and brushed my hair and put on some.light makeup.  I went back and Sat on my bed sliding my diary out from under my pillow.

Dear diary

yesterday was more exciting that usual.  I was nervous about speaking at the assembly but I never let anyone know.  I made it through the day and the high priestess bowed to me.  I am stunned. I can't believe she did.  For her to do that she must really respect me. But today I need to fond out if it is just cause of my name,  I forgot to pray to mud yesterday.  I will make it up to her by going to her temple later.  Everyone's parents are coming tonight.  I don't father will show his face but I still have to go and mingle.  I hope to see Iris in my classes today. 

I'll write soon

.  NyxMoon

I slipped the diary under my pillow and grabbed my bag. I had shapeshifting class 1st this was my 1st year doing this class and I.hope I can live up to everyone's standards but I don't think I can after all they expect me to be as powerful as a goddess

I walked to the class and I saw I was early.  o well.  I walked in and took my seat.  The teacher was new,  he was young and kind of cute.  As a high priestess in training I walked over to him and greeting and held out my hand.  He looked confused for a moment but then he shook my hand and his face went red.  " o I am so sorry I didn't recognise you "

" it is alright,  I am nyx moon a pleasure to meet you,  I look foreward to the class "

" it's a honor to meet you nyx I am Thomas kels,  or Mr kels in class "

I nodded and he returned it.  I went to my seat and the classroom began to fill up . Mr kels began to explain how to shapeshift. I noticed the whole class was only members of the moon daughters.  " excuse me Mr kels but may I ask if this is moon daughters only class "

" it is,  did you not know "

" I wasn't aware thank you,  sorry fortune disruption "

he nodded and continued, it was time for us try and change each other.  I was paired with a girl Elizabeth.  She was a loyal member of the moon daughterscwho could read minds.  the only one she couldn't was mine.  I changed her into a bird but she failed to change me.  Mr kels told me it was because I wasn't letting her in.  I didn't understand him but I.began to as Elizabeth got angry and tried really hard.  It felt as if she was pushing my brain but I pushed her out.  The class ended and I was ready to go when Mr kels called me.  I turned " yes " I asked politely

" I noticed you did not allow Elizabeth in "

" no I did not "

" why may I ask "

" because I simply cant "

" you may.go"

I walked off but I got. bad feeling.  This wasn't going to be the end of this. 

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