Chapter Twenty-Eight ~I Love Her~

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Wyatt stared at me in confusion, he sat up. "Eli.. Your boyfriend?" 

"I have a boyfriend?!" I jumped up. 

The wheels in his head seemed to be turning, he didn't say anything more. He just looked at me. Then he slid out of his branch and onto mine. "I mean, your ex-boyfriend."

"I wouldn't think I would have a boyfriend, what happened in between us to make us break up?" 

He shrugged. "I can't say. I just heard you always talking about him, mad about something he did. Something about he doesn't care about you, I don't know." 

I felt a weird feeling in my heart. "Really? I- I can't believe I had that type of bad relationship with someone then forget about it." 

"Yeah, the test they did on you just made you forget. It's probably for the best. If I were you, I wouldn't want to remember something like that. I would be glad I forgot."

"R-Really?"  I pushed my hair back and out of my face but only for it to casually fall back into it's place. 

"Yeah, but I would at least stay open minded. Give people chances, even if they messed up once. Give them second chances." He half grinned.

"Oh," I looked down. "So you think I should give that Eli guy another chance?"

"Yea- wait what? No!" He snapped. I flinched back. He sighed, running his fingers through his hair, regaining a calm look. "I'm sorry, I mean me. You should give me another chance."

"Another? Well, I-I don't know about that. I just gotten out of a bad relationship and I wouldn't want to rush to a new one." 

"A relationship you don't even remember.. Fawn, it's fine! You have been done with him for a few months now!" He leaned closer. "At least that's what you told me. You have been here for a while and we knew each other for a little while now. You did tell me that you were interested." 

"I did? It doesn't feel like I've been here long."

"You're going through a little amnesia. It'll wear off eventually and you'll remember." 


Third Person P.O.V.

"My baby is in there! I'm going in there an-"

"Do what? Get yourself thrown out? There not gonna let her go so easily, she is a being of science. At least for study anyways." Lucas interrupted his love.

"Lucas, they have been planning horrible things in there to test on her. I remember they were planning it all when she was just a baby. I had to drop to my knees to beg them not to."

"Olivia, I've seen what they can do. I may not have a big role in there but I've seen some horrible things. It's not like I don't want to get her out too, I do! It's just we can't just rush in there without some sort of plan." He sat his hands on his wife, when he removed them he took the cigarette out of his mouth. 

"Sir, you work here, don't you have some sort of pass to get in?" Eli asked respectfully. 

"Yeah, I normally keep it in my truck." He pulled the door open, digging through the console, he was able to find his name tag/ his pass to get into the building. He jumped back out, shutting the door while examining his tag. "I can go in and work in the same area they should be keeping her and when they all leave if the room is ever empty, I can try to get in. Janitors has the keys to all the rooms, at least there suppose to." He took a drag of his cigarette.

"Sir, if possible, I would want to tag along." Eli volunteered. 

"I don't know about that one, kid. This place is not open to the public and you don't work here."

"They don't know that."

Lucas stared at the young boy, before shaking his head. "What are you planning?"

"Have any spare jackets, tags, something?"

Lucas huffed. "This isn't Television, kid. That won't work." 

"How busy is this place normally?"

"It's pretty late, so probably not as bad as it would be in the morning." 

Eli looked down, pondering a way for this to work. He looked back up to the intimidating man. "Just, we can make it look like I'm suppose to be here but stay in the back so maybe no one would even think about taking a double look." 

Lucas raised an eyebrow at the eighteen year old, he took a few puffs of his cigarette then stomped it out onto the cold, gravel parking lot. "Fine, let's go." He started walking to the building with Eli following closely behind.

Lucas got to the door, swiping his tag through a slot, there was a click, a buzz, and the door was open. He placed the card into his inside, jacket's pocket while looking down at the teen with no emotion. "Stay behind me and don't say a word. I'll try to get you to the closet where we keep the uniforms. And when you get it on... Still stay quiet. We don't need to risk anything if there is no need." He walked in first. 

"Yes, sir." He nodded, running through the door. "How far do you think she is?And how big is this place?"

"What did I just say?"  Lucas looked down at him in annoyance.

"Sorry." Eli mumbled. The building was all neat and clean, the best part, empty. Wasn't a lot of workers there. Lucas was glad to see this, thinking this would be very easy. They were able to make it to the closet and he pulled Eli in.

"Go ahead and find something that won't be too baggy. That actually looks like it belongs to you." Lucas crossed his arms.

Eli glanced around the very small storage room at all of the white jackets lining the walls. Something then caught his eye that was on the floor in the corner. He got down to his knees, pulling it out of the corner, his eyes went wide.

"This.. This was Fawn's." He pulled out the dark colored bag. 

"That was her's?" 

"Yeah, well mine but I gave it to her so she would be able to carry books and all for school. Then I gave it to her when she was going back to the Forrest." He unzipped it, searching through it to find all of her stuff. Her hat, her fruit, her clothes, everything was in there. He took out her hat, staring at it and rubbing his thumb over the fabric of it. He held it close before stashing it back away into the book bag. He threw it over his shoulders and quickly started to search through all of the jackets before someone were to walk in on them and catch them. 

"You really care about her don't you?" 

"I do, sir. I-I think I....I love her, sir." His legs felt like they went weak at saying these words, he felt like he was just hit by a ton of bricks. Admitting this to her Father, he didn't know how he was gonna take it, which didn't really help ease his nerves. 

There was a pause. "Please, son. Call me Lucas." 

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