A Movie, a Song, and a Kiss

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A/N: I rather love this one, I may edit it longer later. c: Because I think this might clear stuff up, here. It's out of one of the stories I posted on here.

Another great thing about our relationship. Long ago, Hera, goddess of marriage and the person who hates my guts, imprisoned Steven in his own body and stuck him with a random mortal family. Why, you ask? He’s the son of Poseidon, born a few decades after the Oath. She figured that for revenge Zeus would do the same, so she hid him. Well, years later, Zeus had a child, and Hera found out. So she had to do the same thing for Danny, a very powerful son of Zeus, also my twin brother.  After that, their parents figured that they both had died by monster, and although they were depressed, they decided to pretend they never existed, figuring that someone would have killed them both for being who they were anyways.

Meanwhile, they both grew up in their disguises, their true selves stuck inside and frozen in time. They looked a lot alike, but not enough to be obvious. Their real lives were forgotten, even though they didn’t even know their heritage yet back then. The Fates decided that they needed to come together again after McGarrett’s father died, and so there they were, together again.

Now. About a year or two after they met, they found me. Once again, the Fates decided they needed to meet someone, but this time, a demigod who knew who she was. One that was from this time period. Me. So, I helped unlock their identities. It took a lot, and it was crazy, but in the time I was there (I left camp about a week before it was over until now) I managed to do it. Now they can both change back and forth whenever they want, depending on what they’re doing.

Hope that clears it up!


* * *

It had been a long week and I was glad to just curl up on the couch and relax. There had been not one, but two different murder cases. Back to back, really. We finished one, then the other landed on McGarrett’s desk literally just hours later. So yes, this week had been quite stressful.

I told myself later that maybe this was why what happened, well, happened. We were both tired – no, exhausted - it was late, and neither of us was really thinking straight. It was the perfect excuse, really. Yet I couldn’t stop thinking about it. It all started with a movie. It ended with a kiss.

* * *

“Hey, you heading to bed yet?” Steven J McGarrett, my ‘roommate’, asked, slipping down the stairs in sweatpants and an old t-shirt.

I shook my head, putting the disk in. “Nah, not tired. I’m just going to watch a movie.”

“You sure Nix? It’s been a long week, you really should get some sleep.”

Rolling my eyes, I shook my head. “I will soon.”

He glanced at the screen, then did a double take. “I never would’ve guessed that movie from you.”

I glared, curling up under a warm fleece blanket on the couch. I hadn’t bothered putting pajamas on yet, not wanting to climb up the steps. “What’s that supposed to mean? It’s a classic!”

He chuckled. “That it is. And once again, I see how you and your brother are related.”

The play screen for ‘The Sound of Music’ appeared. I smiled slightly. I have always loved these older shows. Willy Wonka, Mary Poppins, Bed Knobs and Broomsticks . . . you really couldn’t go wrong. I’ve seen them so many times, I knew quotes and could sing all of the songs.

McGarrett surprised me by flicking the lights off and motioning for me to scoot over. I did so, raising an eyebrow. “You staying?”

“Might as well. I won’t be able to sleep with the TV on anyways.”

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