The One Where Shanks Really Likes Your Hair

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"Shanks, please."


You sighed as Shanks, for about the umpteenth time, buried his face in your hair. His breath was warm against the back of your neck, and you blushed as his one arm wrapped around your waist.

"I like your hair~"

"Thank you Shanks, but maybe you should go pet Benn's hair."

"I already did that, I like yours better."

Huffing with annoyance, you walked around camp with Shanks following on your heels. Every time you stopped moving he would find a way to touch your hair. Either petting it, or rubbing his face in it, or kissing the top of your head.

You sat down and your red-haired follower dropped down beside you, grinning like the idiot that he was.


"Hi, Shanks."

He gently brushed your hair out of your face, running his hair through your (H/C) locks. He hummed at the feel and leaned forward to kiss your temple.

"Loooove you!"

"I know, Shanks."

Mihawk glared at Red-Hair as he followed you around camp, apparently oblivious to both your discomfort and Mihawk's burning stare. His gold eyes glimmered with suppressed anger as that one-armed idiot leaned forward and kissed the side of your head.

He wasn't allowed to do that. No one was allowed to do that but Mihawk.

Growling low in his throat, the swordsman stalked forward, grabbing Shanks by the back of his coat and lifting him off his feet.

"Hey buddy!"

"Red-Hair, I swear to all that is holy and otherwise, if you don't keep your hands off my woman I will personally skin you alive."

Shanks' only response was to boop Mihawk's nose and giggle like a teenage girl. Mihawk sighed and set your captain down. "Idiot..." He muttered, taking your hand and helping you to your feet. The two of you walked off together, hand in hand.

"One day, I'll kill Red-Hair. I might regret it later, but at the moment? Nothing would be more satisfying."

You huffed and punched Mihawk's arm. "Oh, hush! You know you love him."

"Sure. Whatever you say, dear."

"Yes, I'm always right."

"What about when you're wrong?"

"I'm right then, too."

Mihawk chuckled and pulled you close, leaning forward to kiss your forehead. "I love you." He whispered.

"Love you too, old man."

He huffed, a hint of a blush on his cheeks, and you laughed.


Shanks held you in his lap, face once again buried in your hair. "(Y/N), your hair smells nice."

"Thank you, Shanks."


Undeterred by the cold fury in Mihawk's voice, Shanks grinned at him. "Heeeey!" Shanks pressed his face into your hair again, either not hearing or just ignoring Mihawk's hiss of annoyance.

You squeaked when Shanks' arm tightened around your waist. "Shanks, you can let go now."

"But I don't wanna..."

"I believe," Mihawk growled, grabbing Shanks from behind. "She said to let go."

You watched Mihawk drag Shanks away by his arm and a leg, the red-haired drunk giggling happily the whole way.

'Maybe,' you thought. 'Maybe, one day, Shanks will go five minutes without drinking.'

Mihawk x Reader   When Shanks Does A BadWhere stories live. Discover now