Chapter One

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         Victor was an adventurous little boy. Even for his age. At age nine he had already skydived and jumped off of ski slopes. But no one knew why he was so adventurous. In truth, he didn't want to do it for fun or to have a new experience. Every time he did something extreme he hoped his parents would like him. Mabey if he did extreme things they might pay attention to him or like him. But it never happened. And today, he was climbing Mt Everest to end his life. He had grown tired of being abused and tortured. He hoped that he could either starve or die of dehydration. But if that failed he would get to the top and suffocate because of the lack of oxygen at the top of the mountain. But when he got to the base of the mountain he saw something. A cave that looked like it had just been inhabited was right before him. It seemed like something had been dragged into the cave because of the clear scratch marks on the floor. He entered out of curiosity and found that deeper in there were torches on the wall. He kept walking and at the end he found a huge stone statue of a dragon.

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