Tick Tock

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hello there people another pointless story by me Alex because I don't want to write my science essay that is due tomorrow.....YEA ME ANOTHER F....yeah let me just move on these are mostly in first person unless said otherwise 


Tick Tock..Tick Tock..Tick Tock. I sat in this damn room for I don't know how long counting the number of FUCKING TICKS OF THIS DAMN CLOCK. So far I have counted about 31,729,726 (A/N I don't know if you can count that high but I dont care its a fictional story get over it!) I don't know how long I have been here and I don't really care anymore. People think i'm crazy.... but they haven't seen crazy yet! I sit here everyday in this DAMN ROOM and think to myself. I don't have a specific thing I think about but it always seems to go back to the same question...What happened? Now if you want me to be honest I have an Idea of what happened and how how it happened but I don't have the full picture. But what I do know is that if they thought putting me in this room would fix anything they're wrong. If anything the damn ticking from the clock and the loneliness is driving me more insane.  I don't understand what went through their heads when they came up with the idea to make places like this. All this place does is take a person that isn't crazy and makes them crazy. Then if they really are crazy then they decide that they are gonna "help them" by stuffing a patient's mouth with pills great idea right! But it's okay because soon I won't be in here I will get out and make each and every single last one of them pay for keeping me here. I AM GONNA MAKE THEM SUFFER FOR THE THINGS THAT I HAD TO DO WHILE HERE! NONE OF THEM CAN STOP ME FROM DOING THIS AND IF THEY THINK THEY CAN...then taking their intestines out is gonna be a lot more fun!

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