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It was a sunny morning in September, bringing a feeling of optimism in the air. The birds were chirping, bees buzzing, sun shining.... And a little boy with black hair eating breakfast with no pants on. 'Sherlock Holmes, put your trousers on.' His brother mycroft said. 'what for?' Sherlock answered with his mouth full of cereal. 'for the first day of school, dear,' his mother answered. 'It is very important.' 'Hmph' sherlock grunted. 'its the first day of your first year! Aren't you exited? It's a chance to make new friends!'
'Ehh... No. And I don't have friends.'
'You have Molly. '
'she's not my friend!' Sherlock said, feeling somehow embarrassed.
'also Victor, he's your friend, right?'
Sherlock forgot about Redbeard, he went to a different school.
'I see the bus, Sherlock!'
'Yeah. Bye mom!!!!'
'Bye' said mycroft.

On the bus, he saw a small boy with a round face sitting by himself. Since Molly walked to school, Sherlock had nobody to sit with. 'can I sit here?' Sherlock asked.
And as the boy turned to face him, he felt something he had never felt before, not to Molly or even his skull. He felt affection.

Musgrave Ritual - A Kidlock FanficWhere stories live. Discover now