Number 1

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Lucas waited. He waited for her to answer his texts but they were all left unanswered. He waited for her to pick up his calls but they all went to voicemail. He waited outside her classes and by her locker but she never showed. He even went so far as to drop by her house unannounced but no one was home. Riley Matthews had fell off the face of the earth and he was slowly losing his mind.

A part of him was legitimately worried he imagined the whole thing. How could someone he only knew for a short period of time already mean so much to him? How could he go on with his life knowing she was out there, that she was hurt and he was the reason why? How could he let this happen?

After school he sits in the auditorium, watching the drama club rehearse for their production of Les Mis. Riley was supposed to play the part of Éponine but since she seemingly disappeared Margaret Coin, her understudy was now stepping in her place.

He listened to the way she sung it, unimpressed and slightly annoyed that Margaret had the nerve to sing her song.

Her rendition of On My Own was the first time he saw Riley, really saw her, the first time he heard her. And the emotion, the tone of her voice, it was like it set his soul on fire.

His mind starts to wander back to how different things were only a month ago...

She sat on the floor of his room, back pressed against the foot of his bed as he played her his favorite songs. He compiled a rather impressive list of all his go-to's. The ones that make him sad, the ones that make him smile, the ones he's embarrassed he knows all the words to.

She sat and listened to the entire playlist. Quietly singing along to the words, swaying her shoulders and head to the rhythm of the music. By the end of the third song, he was more interested in watching Riley than listening to what was being played.

When the music stopped, she took a few seconds before she opened her eyes. Like she was holding on to the moment just a little longer. Like it was a feeling she wanted to remember.

"What?" She asks, pulling him out of his trance.

He clears his throat, wondering how long he had been staring at her. "Oh nothing." He smirks, getting up from his bed. "Actually now that I think about it, I have something for you."

She watches him walk over to his computer desk and slide open the draw. He takes out what looks like a black sketchpad and walks back over to where she was still sat, joining her on the carpet.

"Number 4 on your bucket list." He smiles, handing her the pad. On the front, in big white block letters it read 'Temporary Tattoos'.

"I know you want a real one someday but you're afraid your parents would kill you." He chuckles, "So I thought this would be cool for now."

He looks at her expectantly but she stays silent, focusing on his face.

"I know it's stupid..." He stammers, realizing how dumb he must've sound. "I just thought..."

"No, no –." She cuts him off, a sweet smile spread across her face. "They're one's ever done anything for me like this before."

"They're just temporary tattoos." He shrugs.

"No, I meant...paid attention."

He nods his head in understanding, not wanting to linger too much on that topic. Instead he helps her pick one out and grabs a few cotton balls and a glass of water from his bathroom.

He sits down behind her, wet cotton ball in hand as she tries to decide where she wants to put it.

"Ooh I know." She slides her cardigan off, revealing her bare shoulder. "Right here."

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