Joyriding // Part 5

Start from the beginning

"Radical." I looked over at Ray, a smirk forming on my lips as he gave me a look like he was on The Office. It was hilarious to witness.

"Frank, you son of a bitch, I swear to god I will fight you right now," Ray threatened. I only smiled back innocently at him as a response. "Now you're just being an annoying asshole."

I laughed, tilting my head back. "That's what I'm known for, Raymond." I said as he rolled his eyes. "You know what, I should probably make a button that says, 'Member of the annoying little asshole committee' and wear it everywhere I go."

"Well, it's ironic because you are short, Frank," Mikey laughed.

At least it wasn't a lie though.

"Piss off, Mikey." I laughed out as Ray and Mikey groaned. I think they were pretty much used to the way how I am. I was like one of those annoying little brothers that follow you around all the time.

"Make it into your own club,"

"What, a group just for short people or being an asshole?" I asked sarcasm hinting in my voice.

"Both." They both said in unison.

I grunted, crossing my arms over my chest like how a kid would when they didn't get their way. "Whatever."

"Ironically, it'll just be a group of adult kids. Get it, 'cause short people look like kids?" Mikey laughed, more like silently laughing his heart out at his own joke.

"You know what's ironic?" I asked them both.

"What?" Mikey asked, raising an eyebrow.

"A fire truck on fire."

"You play too much video games, Frank." Ray commented. "Well, I guess you'll need an intervention pretty soon,"

"Hey, there's nothing wrong with playing GTA all night long, Toro."

"You play GTA from 10 at night all the way to fuckin' 8 in the morning, Iero. I definitely think that you have an addiction."

"I mean, I'm already addicted to cigarettes and coffee," I shrugged, a look of blankness coating my face.

"Hey, coffee is the shit, Ray!" I heard Mikey comment. "I agree with little ol' Frank here, coffee is my life,"

"Coffee's only good when it's from Dunkin' Dounts," Ray smirked.

Mikey and I both had the same reaction, surprised. "Are you fucking crazy?" Mikey said.


"Dude, fuckin' Starbucks," I said out of disbelief. "Starbucks is literally the best coffee shop to ever exist and you're saying that Dunkin' Donuts has the best coffee. Don't get me wrong, Dunkin' has good coffee but c'mon man, it's Starbucks,"

"He has a point," Mikey pointed out, shaking his head as Ray rolled his eyes.

"You two get really defensive when it comes to coffee," Ray stated, making his way towards his next period class, Forensic Science. Mikey had Physics and I was unfortunately stuck with going to Algebra. Well, at least I got to have that class out of the way.

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