The Horrible Vision

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Trico lay stretched out on a small field. It was a nice day. The sun was shining,the grass was green. A slightly smaller Trico lay next to him. She nuzzled the bigger Trico and they gazed at the field. Two very small Tricos chased each other. All their eye's glowed soft green [Green=Calm Yellow= cautious Red= anger and disgust.]

A loud noise made them turn their heads. Armored Knights. Hundreds of them. All with eye shielded and nets. The mother Trico jumped up and roared at the children. They scampered under her belly. Trico went to went to swipe at them but they pushed him back with eye shields. He growled at them, ears flat.

Trico roared at the mother Trico. She roared back. The two small Tricos had never encountered the Armored Knights or the eye's. They had no fear, no reason to fear them. The Armoured Knights lured the two Tricos out with Apple's. The mother roared at them and tried to get to them, but the Armored Knights held her back. They threw nets over the baby Tricos. They wiggled and roared, terrified.

The Armored Knights began to throw enchanted spears. They hit Trico and he grew dizzy. Trico managed to roar one feeble roar before he collapsed. The last thing he saw was them throwing the spears at the mother Trico.

I woke with a start. I panted. My dream had Trico in it... but he was dead. Was he? But there were Armoured Knights. They couldn't exist with out...

Then it hit me. I needed to go to the valley. Now. Trico and his family were in trouble. The Master of the Valley was back. And it was back for revenge.

I walked briskly to the village. I was greeted by the villagers and I nodded curtly to them. I called to my second-in-command "You must watch over the village for me." He stammered "But Chief, why? What's wrong?" I avoided eye contact "I must return..." I lowered my voice "To the valley..."

He gasped,his face turning white. The valley was once a terrible place. Tricos used to sneak into the village and steal people when I was a child. Many,many people feared they would return.

"W-Why must you return Cheif?" I told him my vision "D-do you think... they... will return Chief?" I shook my head "No,no. I told you. They all fell of the tower and died. I want to go to save my friend and his family."

He smiled slightly " Your friend is alive and has a family?" I sighed "If I don't leave soon, I fear not." He nodded "I'll take care of things. Be careful. Don't die because the people will worry. I'll come up with an excuse. Good luck Chief!"

I nodded and headed out quickly. I knew were the valley was. I had a vision once were I saw Trico flying to my village and stealing me. I'd never forget...

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