Getting on my nerves

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Gabby's POV

Well today's was a pretty good day minus what happened earlier this morning when I was trying to look for the music room. My music teacher said I was very good at reading music notes and playing guitar and in my other subject drama, we just watched a movie since we had a substitute teacher. I also made 3 friends, 2 girls and 1 boy, Ariel, Diane and Tim. Ariel is in my music class and she introduced herself to me since I was nervous to do that and Diane and Tim are in my drama class.


I'm sitting down in the canteen waiting for my friends who just got in line to get some food. I'm opening my carton of chocolate milk and drinking it, then all of a sudden I feel two big hands squeezing my boobs from behind making the chocolate milk that was in my mouth come back out. I started coughing. I grabbed a napkin and wiped my mouth. I turned around to see who would such an inappropriate thing and without surprise, it was Michael

"Hey sexy, missed me?" he said sitting next to me with his back leaning on the table and his arms spread along the table.

M: "You got some nice titties cupcake ;) what size are you?"

G: "Excuse me?"

M: "What size bra are you?"

G: "I am not going to answer that question"

M: "Okay. So what time you want to make out today?"

G: "I'm sorry but we only just met in a way that I didn't expect and you don't even know my name"

M: "So what your name then cupcake?"

G: "It's Gabby Osmond not cupcake"

M: "Ok so you're Gabby Osmond, I'm Michael Jackson so since we know each other's name. Come on, let me show you a good time in the janitor's room" he said biting his lips and giving me a wink. He is really getting on my nerves.

G: I'm sorry but I'm waiting for my friends to come, so you can go show your penis to somebody else because I'm not interested in you.

M: Girl I know you can't resist me. I know for a fact that you want me ;)

G: Ugh! You're so......(sigh) please just leave me alone. I don't want to make out with you, I don't want to go to the janitor's room with you, I don't want to do anything with you. Just Please!

M: You'll come around. I know so.

"Hey Michael" one of the cheerleaders call. Two cheerleaders give him a wink. He gives me grin.

"I'll see you later cupcake" he says lifting my chin and giving me a wink. Ugh! He really thinks he's a lady's man. Who does he think he is? Elvis Presley!

I just continue eating my lunch.

My friends finally come and sit with me.

Ariel: "Hey girl, why you looking so pissed off for?"

Diane: "Is it because we were taking so long. Sorry girl I was waiting for my slice of pizza. The lunch ladies just don't know how to get everything done on time"

G: "No of course not. That's not the reason. That Michael fella was really getting on my nerves. Trying to get me"

Tim: "He tried to get you?! Oooo.... You better get it girl. I heard he has a"

G: Ok let's just eat.

Tim: You're so lucky I'd love to get it in with him.

Diane: Well too bad for you Tim because Michael is not GAY!

Tim: Oh shut up Diane. But he's so gorgeous I mean look at him.

We all turn around to look at Michael and he's sitting at the cheerleader's table with his arms around two of the cheerleaders and making out with both of them. Ew! Don't make me vomit.

While both the cheerleaders are kissing his neck and collar bone. I see him looking at me. He winks at me and mouths to me "You want some?" I roll my eyes and turn back to the table and finish eating my lunch.

Lunchtime is finished and we all take our rubbish in the bin. Getting ready for P.E theory. I hope we play sport. I don't like theory. Well, fingers crossed it's not theory




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