“Do you really want me to stop?” Billy asked, leaning closer to recapture her lips in a kiss.

“Oh Billy, I don’t want you to stop. I don’t ever want you to stop. But I’m scared I’m going to open my eyes and all this will be a dream,” she said, speaking her heart for the very first time in a long time.

“Why are you scared?” Billy asked.

“Because I’ve hurt you so much and turned you away so many times; how can I just open the door and see you there so ready and willing to take me in your arms and tell me you love me?”

“I never really stopped fighting for you. I knew, even though I thought I had lost you, that I would always love you. And now I need to know how you feel, I need to know if you love me back,” Billy said.

“I do, Billy. I always loved you. But I didn’t know how much until I thought I had lost you. I’m deeply and hopelessly in love with you.”

Billy crushed her lips.

The overwhelming need to want everything Jesse had ever denied herself consumed her entire being as Billy’s arms moved around her body, free to finally embrace and explore her. A savage need to want to feel Billy’s hands against every inch of her flesh had Jesse snapping the buttons of her shirt apart, sending them flying around the room.

Billy took off the shirt and her fingers skimmed over Jesse’s naked flesh, exciting her further. This was what she had really hungered for; this raw passion, this savage torturous need and that throbbing ache between her legs, ready for the one touch that would heal her forever.

“I’ve missed you so much,” she said against Billy’s lips.

“It can’t possibly be as much as I’ve missed you,” Billy said.

Jesse slightly pulled away to meet her gaze. Billy’s eyes were naked with feral passion and desire. This was the woman she had fallen in love with; the woman who had driven her insane from their very first night together.

She lowered her mouth to Billy’s and a rush of pleasure overcame her. Billy’s mouth grew demanding and Jesse met her with the same intensity, the same greed, the same torrid yearning and still, she could not get enough.

Billy yanked her clothes off, tearing them away when they did not come off as quickly as their matched desire demanded and her hands traced Jesse’s flesh, branding her once again with her love. She was passionate and possessive, just as Jesse fondly remembered. The level of their sexual excitement would have set the house ablaze had a lighter been lit at that very moment.

She took Jesse to her bedroom and quickly removed their last garments of clothing. They feasted on one another, quenching their visual lust for each other like vultures in a desert, then they attacked and both got in the bed.

Star Crossed No More (Sequel to Star Crossed Lovers) (girlxgirl)Where stories live. Discover now