Candy Girl

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One night on soul train, 1984, new edition are about to perform their latest single 'Candy Girl'. All 5 of them were excited to perform, and they got more excited when they were up next to perform.

They went backstage, and were filled with joy and happiness in their soul, because they could not believe a show they put on.
Bobby: Wow! We was off the chain out there man!
Ralph: No doubt, y'all were great, especially you Bobby, you did the dance and everything!
Mike: Ron, you were great, good job Ricky!
Everybody was congratulating each other, giving each other high fives, and hugs. After the concert, they gotten a ride back home, once they got home, first thing first and always did was turn on the television.
Ralph: C'mon mike, turn on the tv, new episode of the Cosby show bout to come on.
Mike: Sure thang.
Michael bivins turns on the tv, then the Cosby show intro was going on.

Ralph: Wow. She so beautiful, she got that pretty smile, tender skin, and wonderful eyes.
Bobby: Yeah, just my taste in bed for what I'm looking for.
Mike laughed.
Mike: I know what you mean.
Ricky: U really like her don't you?
Ralph: I love her, one day I'm gonna make her mine, you just wait and see.
Ronnie: Aye you go get her when you see her aight, that's yo girl.
Ralph: Thanks Ron.
Bobby: Man, Janet is the real thing, her cheekbones be something that describe her.
Mike: Like what?
Bobby: Happiness and Joy.
Ralph: Shh, here comes the show.
Bobby: My bad Rizz.

Ralph: Hahahaha! Theo shirt all messed up!
Bobby: He look like the south black Willy wonka in that shirt.
Ronnie: This why I don't trust my sister to do my clothes hahahaha!
Bobby: He got what he deserved though that's his fault haha!
Mike: And he told her to ask him that question again lol!
Ralph: She was like 'you don't like it?'
Bobby: And Theo like 'I hate it!' Hahahaha.
Ricky: I don't know what he was thinking with that shirt, he said it's glued all the way to his socks! Hahaha!
They laughed through the whole episode of the Cosby show.
Next day
New edition had a video shoot in Boston for 'cool it now', Ralph tresvant was being interviewed near orchard park.
Interviewer: How are today?
Ralph: Pretty good.
Interviewer: How are you feelin on your video shoot on cool it now?
Ralph: Well, I'm a lil nervous but excited.
Interviewer: Now the tv sitcom called the Cosby show is one of the hottest sitcoms in the country, do you like watching it?
Ralph: Oh yeah.
Interviewer: Do you have any of your favorite characters in the show?
Ralph: I love the character that's playing Denise Huxtable named Lisa Bonet.
Interviewer: Yeah, what do you like about her?
Ralph: I love her personality, I love her style, I love that she's creative in her own ways, I love the fact that she's just being herself every time she hits the scene on that show. I have a huge crush on Lisa Bonet by the way.
Interviewer: Oh you do?
Ralph: Yeah, huge crush. I'm dedicating a lot of songs to her, starting with this one, this video shoot.
Interviewer: That's good to hear, thank you so much for letting me interview you, we're looking forward to seeing you and new edition to perform once again.
Ralph: Thanks, Im looking forward too.
As Ralph was done with the interview, he went on to read over his lines for the first verse.
Bobby: Yo Ralph, we got time bro, you can still play ball while we wait.
Ralph: Yeah I know.
Bobby: You still thinking bout Lisa, ain't you?
Ralph: Well that's who I think about all the time bob, you think about Janet.
Bobby: That's cause she's fun, I already got her first album CD.
Ralph: Yeah, you probably got a kiss mark on it too.
Bobby: Whatever, we finna shoot in about three minutes, you sure you don't wanna play?
Ralph: I'm good, but thanks bob.
Bobby: Aight.
Ralph gets set and ready for the first verse he's gonna say, 3 minutes later, it was time to shoot.
Director: Ready! And Action!

That's the chapter for 'My Kind of Girl' Ralph has always been my main favorite singer in new edition, and I've always wanted to put together a love story between Ralph and Lisa Bonet, comment/vote what you think about the story so far, peace out ✌🏾

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