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YO! Rayan here :D mmm okay... I know I havent uploaded my other stuff but I felt like writing this so umm yeah......

Read comment and vote!

Enjoy! i hope.....


"Don't touch me," I growl at the stupid jock that stands infront of me.

As he leans closer towards me and I get a wiff of his colone and holy fuck! does it reak. Probably thinks he smells nice too, idiot. I smirk. HA! At least I smell nicer than you! I smell like... like grapes.

I can't see his face though, seeing as im staring at a my beatin down black chuck taylors but I can tell by the way he chuckles he is finding this amusing.

"What are you going to do," he says shoving me into the lockers and making me gag by the smell, "queer..." he whispers the last part in my ear and I shove him back.

'fucken little douche is guna get it'

"Dont push it asshole," I warn but he pretends he doesnt hear me.

By now we've gained the attention of the few students that still litter the halls as everbody heads to homeroom.

'WTF?' I think to myself and sigh annoyed, 'do I even know him?' I glance at him, brown hair, blue eyes, ' nope I dont even know this kid'.

He grabs my shoulders and shoves me again, harder.

Ignoring the gathering crowd, I growl and glare daggers at him knowing that by now my eyes have gone black.


He starts laughing as if I said the most funniest thing in the world his brown curls bouncing. For an unknown reason to him this pisses me off further.

He doesn't see my fist flying at him until its too late, I feel it conect with his nose and hear a satisfing crunch. He curses and stumbles back a couple of steps, falling on his ass.

I stand over his crumbled figure on the floor as he holds his bloody nose moaning in pain noting how a second ago he had stood confident, cocky even, infront of me thinking id let him push me around.

Shit I might be short ( 5"5) but I can pack a punch. Im not about to let some wana be bully push me around. I flick my black hair to the side, damn I need to get it cut.

My eyes back to their natural violet color stare down at his watery blue ones, "I told you not to touch me, bitch," I tell him and make my way to class as if nothing had happened leaving him sprawled on the ground but not before turning to the crowd around, "Move along people! Theres nothing to see here! Chop Chop!"

After the little incounter in the hall way I get to class 6 minutes late. I open the door and shuffle my way toward the back of the room without so much as I glance towards or from the teacher or students.

'good to know the hate is mutual I guess'

I sit down at my desk, pulling my hood up and shoving in my headphones. Playing Savin' Me by Nickleback I hum along drowning out whatever the teacher is saying. I rest my head in my arms and fall asleep almost instantly only to be woken up not even 10 minutes later by persisting poking.

I growl and whip my head up about to bite someones head off and am greeted with a pair of dazzling gray eyes specked with blue.

'shit when did he get here?' I wonder

The guy with the beautiful eyes points at his ears.


Im puzzled for a second before I realize he wants me to take out my headphones off.

I take one out letting it hang on my neck and glare at him, "dont touch me again unless you want one less finger."

He lifts his hands up and leans backwards slightly in the universal 'I surrender' sign.

"Whoa! just wanted to introduce myself no need to bitch at me buster, im new here," he smiles extending his hand toward me, "names Blake."

'and i'd want to know that why?' I think to myself.

I glare at his hand until he pulls it away and give him a slight nod, "Matt," I put my headphone back in signaling the end of the conversation.

As you can see im not a veary social person. I usually tend to avoid everyone, im like that, I like to be by my lonesome, just me and my music. I kinda hate everybody except a select group of people.

The rest of the class passes by torturesly slow, Blake spent it trying to coax me into talking again.

And yes I know im being rude, its not that I dont like the guy, truth be told he doesnt seem that bad. I know how he feels right now though, all wierd and out of place, im actually new to the school too, my first week really. I wouldnt know how to help him even if I wanted to, fuck I could barely help myself.

I ignore him as best I can when he keeps bugging the crap outta me and urge time to move faster with my non-existing mental powers. At one point Blake takes my headphones and I throw an eraser at him bonking him on the forhead which earns me a scowl.

The bell rings and I bolt out of the room all but skipping toward the cafeteria.

'Its food time! Time to feed the belly!' I sing to myself.

"Wait up!" I hear right behind me as someone pulls me back.

My eyes shift black, 'Oh Hell No,' fist poised in mid air I whirl around so fast I think I blur.

"Sorry" doesn't leave my lips fast enough as blood starts gushing out of Blakes nose.

"Fuckin Asshole" is the only thing he says before he storms off.

'SHIT' I whisper and follow....

I groan internally and whimper, 'no food.'


SO.... What do you think?! :D

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