Chapter 28 - Daniel

Start from the beginning

"And now explain me why all your clothes are on the floor and why that suitcase on your bed is still empty." Daniel stood up and Melody did the same.

"I don't know how much you know about England, but that weather forecast is changing almost hourly." Melody sighed and she grabbed her laptop from the floor. "Yesterday they said it would be cold and rainy. Today the predicted temperatures are almost five degrees higher."

"And what's the problem with that? It's a weather forecast. Not science." Daniel raised his eyebrows a little and Melody rolled her eyes.

"We're traveling by plane and I can only take twenty kilo with me. I can't take both my shirts with long sleeves and sweaters with me, but if this forecast is right sweaters will be way too warm. If the previous forecast was right my shirts with long sleeves will be way too cold." Melody placed her hands in her sides.

"Sounds like someone could use half my suitcase?" Max entered the living room carrying a heavy looking suitcase. "I'm a man. I don't really need much. So go ahead and fill up the other half." He smiled a bright smile and he put his suitcase next to Melody's. "Are you ready, apart from the packing?"

Melody nodded.

"And what about you?" Max stared at Daniel and Daniel licked his lips.

"I'm as ready as I can be." Daniel kept silent for a short moment. "Thank you for everything you're doing for me and Melody." He bent his head and avoided Max' glance. He knew how Max was feeling. He knew it all too wel.

"You're welcome." Max nodded, even though the smile on his face disappeared. "I just want her to be happy and if you can make her happier than I can, then I want her to be with you." Max swallowed.

Daniel tried to sooth his guilt with the thought that Max wouldn't be forced to watch everything that would happen between Daniel and Melody.

"She would have done it for me." Max turned his face to Melody again and Melody held her breath.

"You really think way too high of me. I don't think I would have done it for you. You're the first guy who ever saw me, who ever loved me."

"Excuse me, but he wasn't." Daniel winked, but Melody rolled her eyes again and shook her head.

"Fine, let me phrase it differently then." Melody paused and once more she locked her gaze with Max'. "You were the first to show me that there was someone in the world who could love me in the most romantic way possible."

Daniel cleared his throat, but Melody elbowed his side.

"You were the first to show me that there was someone in the world who could love me in the most romantic way possible and if your guardian angel would have showed up to run off with your heart, I would have done everything within my power to fight for you." Melody straightened her back and lifted her chin. "But in a way I'm also really happy that you're not like that and are here to fly with me to England tomorrow."

"I can still change my mind, if you want me to?" Max whispered and for a moment he acted like Daniel wasn't even there. "I wanna fight for you, really."

"I know, Max, I know." Melody nodded and she grabbed his hand. "I don't deserve you fighting for me, but I'm sure there is somewhere a girl who is waiting for her prince charming and doesn't know it's you yet." Melody took a deep breath. "And now I'm going to fill my suitcase and half of yours with a lot of clothes I probably won't need anyway." She let Max' hand go again and she brushed Daniel's shoulder while she passed him.

"If you ever hurt her in any way, I know where to find you." Max walked towards Daniel and Daniel swallowed.

"I won't hurt her, I promise." Daniel shook his head, but he felt the palms of his hands sweating.

"If you ever break her heart or even dare to scratch it, I'm gonna do everything I'm not doing right now to get her back."

"I won't break her heart, I promise." Daniel shook his head again and he crossed his fingers, hoping that the ritual in England would go as planned, would work out, hoping that he wouldn't let her travel to England to come back with nothing but pieces of what has once been her beating heart.

"Guys?" Melody turned around and she raised her eyebrows, her arms crossed over her chest. "I'm here and I'm still listening." She smiled a sarcastic smile. "And the only one in this room who has broken hearts is me." She swallowed. "Shall I take the red or the blue shirt with me?"

"Red!" Daniel exchanged a glance with Max.

"Blue." Max smirked and he turned his face to the guardian angel next to him.

"You two are so not helping. You know what. I'll just take them both." Luckily she couldn't do that with boys. She would have been capable of wanting them both and Daniel was not planning on sharing her with anyone. Not even a little. 

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