Letter to my Ex-Bestfriend.

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Dear 'Bestfriend',

I trusted you with everything, i told you all my secrets we would have a laugh together and you would always cheer me up. we were friends for ages we hanged around 24/7 you practily lived at my house. things started to go down hill though. we would argue a lot and i would shout and scream at you saying that you haven't really got problems. that your over exaggerating. 

We fell out near chirstmas you never told my secrets and u moved on. i still look back and remeber the good times. your were a bitch you were so paranoid that i was talking about you behind your back i think you didnt really trust me that much. even though i still look back on the good times i think i miss you but i dont really miss you i just miss having a bestfriend.

since i fell out with you i haven't had a proper bestfriend or got close to anyone because i was scared of losing them just like i lost you. when i told u something after we fell out u told all your new mates once again i felt betrayed. 

we still talk now and its never going  to be the same. i hope i can find another friend that i can become close to. 

Yours faithfull


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