Chapter 6- Another Wasteland

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It was dark outside of the town. The pitch darkness was only made more terrifying by the sounds of the feral demons hunting for lost souls or other demons to prey on. (Side note: Feral demons are demons who never joined part of the demon society. They decided to stay savages and punish the lost souls who ended up in hell.) I shivered, "And exactly how do we get to the seventh layer from here?" Isaiah laughed, that wasn't a good sign, "I could tell you, but you won't like it."  I stood steady, "Well, that sounds rather... fun." I couldn't quite find the right word to put there. 

For what felt like three days, I followed Isaiah into the darkness. All the while he continued on and on about how one day he was going to get revenge for his eyes. "This Isaac guy sounds like a prick," I said. Sauro had been relatively quiet for the second two days, only speaking when necessary.  I decided to welcome his silence. 

In the down times, while Sauro would be resting, I would train. Day in and day out, I would attempt to light and control my flames. As if that wasn't enough, I would do one thousand overhead swings with World Breaker. Still though, I could not bring the flame to my control. 

Along about the fifth day, the feral demons took notice of us. One at a time, they would swoop down to investigate myself and my comrades. Sometimes they would speak in ancient tongues, other times they would squawk at us. They were certainly different. Once, when one got close enough, I reached my hand out in a gesture of peace, it squawked and made guttural sounds before flying away.

"You really put that thing on edge huh, Izan," Isaiah laughed. "Ivan." He stopped, "Oh right sorry. You know, I may not be able to see, but I've been keeping a close surveillance on your practicing. You trying to conjure the flames?" I stopped, how much did this guy know. Did he already know who I was, was he just waiting. Nah, it couldn't be, so I decided I would tell him. "Yeah, but I can't seem to get them to come to me." Isaiah thought for a moment, "Why do you fight?" The question left me stunned, "I don't know, truth be told. I just do it, because that's what's expected of me." In the dim light of his fire I saw his face contort to a grin, "You'll know how to conjure flames when the time comes."   

I just sat quietly, pondering on the very thought. How was I supposed to know. I turned, looking behind me into the black like I was going to see something of worth. I felt a hand on my shoulder, "In the mean time, let's work with that sword." He stood and placed his hand on the blade, "You hold the sword too far towards the back." He flicked his arm down and the sword lodged in the sulfur. I picked the blade back up and grasped it closer to the blade. "There you go. Now Ivan, let me feel your side slash. Don't worry, I might not see from my eyes,  but I will be able to see you in my own way." I stepped forwards, lunging and swiping to the side with all my strength. "Your overhead slices are good, but your sideswipes need more work. It's not a test of strength, keep control on the blade." I again sideswiped this time with less strength. "You lunge to far forwards, your stance becomes weak." He tripped me up, I landed hard on my back. "Again." 

For all I know, we spent years down there perfecting my swordsmanship (I would later find that it was 20 years). The wastelands were treacherous, we consistently fought off feral demons and sulfur storms. Fire would sometimes engulf us, but would be extinguished quickly by Isaiah. 

Finally the day came when Isaiah pointed his head to the sky. "It's time. I can go with you no further. Sauro remember your wits, use them to your advantage. Isaac, good luck." I stopped right there and turned around to ask how he knew who I was, but when I turned he was gone. Still to this day, I have no idea what happened to him, but I've heard rumors he still guides first timers through the wastelands.

Not a second after I turned back around, a feral demon grasped me on the shoulders and turned upwards before diving downwards into the sulfur. I didn't even have time to say anything before we were diving down into the 6th layer, the feral layer. This was not going to be a fun time, that was for sure. 

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