Chapter 5- An Angel and a Familiar Face

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Following the fight, I was sure I would need to find another source of money, so I headed up the way to the local tavern and asked about jobs. I looked at the largest paying job, a bounty that would set my mother for as long as it took them to find a housing unit for her. I grabbed it with no further thought. "You'll need direct permission from Lucifer himself to leave hell for that one."

I stopped and turned, a younger blonde male with eyes like mine, but with red pupils and yellow eyes faced me. "Who are you?" I asked. The man grinned, "Name's Sauroben, but you can call Sauro." His pale complexion meant he wasn't from this layer at least, as everyone else had a tan, but of course, I must've looked off as well. I placed my hand forward, "Isaac." He grinned taking it, revealing a muscular forearm from under his robe, "Pleasure, let's be friends." 

For some reason his smile reminded me of light, something was definitely off about him. Then he just blurted it out, "I'm actually an angel sent here by God to do some busywork." The whole tavern stopped and turned towards him. Each person looked angry enough to take out his throat. It was by some stroke of luck that I was able to pull what I did next. "Sorry guys, he's had a little too much to drink tonight," I said kind of laughing. The man nearest me looked up, "Perhaps you should take your drunk friend home before he says something that gets him hurt." 

Back on the street, I looked at this man, "Why would you say something like that, are you stupid!?" Sauroben looked honestly confused, "It was the truth. One of the commandments are thou shalt not bare false witness." I facepalmed, could this guy be real? "It never says thou shalt self-incriminate." Sauroben crossed his arms and sat down, "That's twisting God's word." Again, seriously? "No it's not getting yourself killed by blurting out that you're an angel among a bunch of rowdy, drunk demons. Don't you understand that death for us is completely different from the death of a human? We SEIZE to EXIST. We don't just wake up in heaven or hell, we stop existing." That seemed to get thru to this guy, he nodded, "Right, gotcha, don't tell everyone my identity." 

I just started to notice a heavy Irish accent to this Sauroben, but I still wasn't 100 percent sure this guy wasn't drunk or lying. I'd stick close, just in case he got into some more trouble, not that I was a good guy or anything, but sometimes, stupid people just don't need to be left alone. 

"So permission from Satan huh?" I asked, he responded with a shake of the head, "Lucifer." I thought for a moment and decided not to argue. "Lucifer, how do we get there." He handed me what looked like red contacts, "First, you need to hide those eyes, or you'll get purged. With me being here on behalf of God, I needn't worry, before you ask." I quickly slipped them on, "Ok, now what?" Sauroben pointed towards the edge of town, "Follow me."

I knew at first glance, it would be a bad idea to head out there, then Sauro, (he insisted I call him that), assured me his guide, though blind, could help us thru. I thought it was odd at first, to be aided by a blind man, and also ironic having blinded a man not too terribly long ago. The irony only deepened when our guide came out. It was the man I had blinded in my hut no more than a month ago. I had to be careful, this guy might have kill me if he found out who I was. 

Sauro began, "Thank you Isaiah. I am bringing a companion along for the ride. His name is I-"

"Van!" I blurted out, "My name is Ivan." I looked at Sauro and gave him a please don't look. He seemed to understand and kept quiet. I sighed in relief. The demon's voice was just as gruff as ever as he grunted, "Well Ivan, I hope you packed for a long trip, because this is going to be hell." He laughed at his own joke before returning to a frown, "Well, let's go."

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