The One

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Jacks POV:
I couldn't stand Y/N being in the spare room, thing is she's my girlfriend and I know we haven't been together long but something just tells me she's the one and I'm not sure if I'm moving too fast. When I asked her she said yes which I'm glad about because I know since that event with Alex she's weak, she's not quite the bubbly girl I met but I know if I help and stay by her side and love her as much as I'm going to she will be back to her old self.
Your POV:
That night you went to bed,with Jack, being in his bed was strange. But he had his arms around you the whole time which made you feel secure, his grip was firm but comfortable. Not like Alex he made you feel safe but his grip was tight and sometimes over powering, especially around other guys, he was super protective. You liked that and also the fact of seeing him a little jealous which made him act all alpha but sometimes it was too much. Like the time you spoke to a guy you met in the pub, he seemed genuine and sweet, Like a good friend but Alex took it wrong and punched him straight and in the jaw knocking him off the chair, you true explaining but he wouldn't take it. Jack wasn't like that, not at all, he was caring, loving, generous, funny and genuine. Alex put an act on for 90% of the time so he came across as macho and irresistible, which you fell for but you fell in love truly when you came to know the REAL Alex. He was caring and sensitive but this act he put on was frustrating and in public it got irritating. Jack is nothing like Alex, you're happy about that because for once you feel like you've met the one, he seems special, he seems perfect. To you Jack is the one.

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