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My full name is Shania Rachael Walker
I was born on July 21st 1999
I am a American citizen and this makes me feel good I guess cause America is some what free.
My star sign is cancer.
My parents are Jennifer Walker and Joseph Brown.
I have 10 siblings.
I am currently at a High school.
What I like about my school studies it will help me get into a college that I will need to help me for a future career.
What I dislike about my school studies is the people they are a distraction to my learning.
I am saving up for I don't know I'm bad at saving money. (Probably for me and Joseph)
My home is in like the country. I literally live in a middle of 3 big towns. and I have lived here for 15 years. My friends are Chris he pretty much like a best friend to me. We share a different relationship then what most people would think. Then I have Zena half the time I hate her as in a sister way she's a pain in my ass but I love her and her sarcasm. Then Joseph (my boyfriend) he's my all time best friend I can literally tell him anything and he's there for me and we listen to each other's problems and that's what friends are for. To comfort each other.
I love people who are like Joseph. He can have a smile on his face even though he pissed off one second ago. He just an all out funny guy. He just has a great personality.
My favorite activity/activities include music, eating and talking to Joseph and I love to do this because I have no life and this what makes me have life 😂 and makes very happy.
My favorite color is blue and purple because it reminds me of the sky I guess.
I love to say the word stupid and my most over-used saying is probably the word stupid. (Not in a mean way. Kinda just flys out of my mouth half the time I don't even know I'm saying until I realize that Joseph is laughing his ass off)
My favorite meal involves pizza and soda  and just tons of other foods that I can't think of right now and my favorite snack food is fruit snacks . I consider myself to be healthy and fitness isn't important to me. This is due to factors such as I don't give a fuck  what I look like. I'm only here to impress myself and well of course Joseph.
I am I can be very clean and messy. I kinda very organized. It just depends on what it is.

The person who supports me the most is myself and Joseph and in my life they have helped me to be the best that I can.
The best time of the day to me is the afternoon because it's not too early and it's not too late.
I hope to hear music as in my favorite band Pierce the veil.
I am frightened by the dark and this makes me very paranoid. I hear one odd noise in the dark I'm done for it. I'm a little pussy 😏.
My favorite movie of all time is mean girls.  That's because its some what realistic to an average teenager point of view of high school.
My greatest inspiration is to help others in this shitty ass life.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 11, 2017 ⏰

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