Chapter 16; Sharing a Bed With Sherlock Holmes

Start from the beginning

I knew Uncle’s password, it was simple really, I wasn’t stupid.

‘Sarah’ was his password.

I opened a page, and began to inter a new blog entery, knowing that Moriarty was watching.

Two weeks ago, I received a text message, from a mysterious JM. This could only be from one person, the ever so dreadful, Jim Moriarty, enemy of the renounce Consulting Detective Sherlock Holmes. The message was simple, leaving me clues to recent events going on in the world around me, that I had been previously blind too. Making inferences to my enemy the ever so seductive criminal, Irene Adler. Also knowing things that only someone who was a criminal mastermind could know about a person, one of their deepest secrets. Finally tying this together with a statement so simple, but having mean a hunderand different things. There was a second person who has broken the walls of Sherlock Holmes, this time it was not Irene Adler. I assume that Mr. Moriarty was speaking about me, but i have my doubts in the truth to his statement. But I will say, that whoever has broken down Sherlock’s walls, has dove themselves into a game so dangerous and deciving that it could fool even the worlds greatest detective.~Winter Watson’

I ended the blog, and posted it onto Uncle John’s website, waiting for Moriarty’s reaction.

I turned off my computer, and stepped away, walking down the stairs.

Upon reaching the living room, I found Uncle John sat at his computer, Sherlock reading over his shoulder.

When they felt my presents in the room, both their heads turned towards me, their expressions stern, and cold.

I smiled innocently, fully aware that they were probably reading my post on Uncle John’s blog.

I shrugged, and went into the kitchen, grabbing a soda from the fridge, and avoiding Sherlock’s recent body part experiments.

I felt their eye still on me as I moved about the kitchen, then begun to head towards the stairs.

“Winter, come here.” Uncle said, in a cool tone.

I stopped, and grunted, before turning around and heading into the living room.

“Yes?’ I said sweetly.

“Have you seen my blog lately?” he asked, glancing from me to the computer screen.

“No, but I have heard many people are really enjoying it. Maybe I should check it out.” I mused.

I was fully aware that they both knew exactly what was going one, I mean I did post my name on the blog after all. But I just wanted to toy with them, just to see their reactions.

“Yes it is going very well, I suppose. But I wanted to ask, is there any reason why there is a post on here that I know for a fact I didn’t post? A post I will admit, that has your name on it.” Uncle said.

“Perhaps you’ve been hacked?” I said, sipping my soda.

“I suppose that is a logical explanation. However, there is also another explanation that could explain this happening.” Uncle said.

“There could be, Sherlock, why do you tell me what this other explanation is? After all, this is what you do best.” I said, smirking.

“You’re good, I almost believe you, Winter. However, I also know that you’re just playing a silly game. You’re just messing with us, fully aware of the situation. You posted your name on that blog purposely. You received that text from Moriarty two weeks ago, unable to let it off your mind. You’ve not completed you’re term paper yet because of this. But you managed to figure it all out within a fair amount of time. Also, you never told us because you wanted to figure it out for yourself. You wanted to prove to yourself that you were clever enough to not be considered average. You are about average my dear, but still under me, but don’t fear, most people are. Even my own parents. Now tell me, what are these ‘walls’ of mine that has been broken by Miss Adler? No, no don’t tell me. I’m sure it has to do with feelings, and sentiment. Both of which I am immune to having. Now tell me, did I get anything wrong?” Sherlock rambled at lightning speed.

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