chapter 2

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The running was the best part. Next came my senses. They were so over edge. You could literally smell every thing. Tasting was brilliant as well. And my eyes were piercing ice blue and my hair was Black as night which i would seem weird for a white wolf. With my eyes i could see so much that wouldn't ever seem possible. The hunt was nothing but adrenaline. I never got away with things like this in my old pack and with my family. I could barely ever shift let alone run wild with them. It was hard to leave but i was 18 and could do as i pleased. But later to learn my actions had consequences along with the rumors of the blue eyed she-white-wolf running wild and alone. So now i couldn't stay in one place for too long and never really turned human any more, because i needed to be prepared at all times. I knew wolves were around this part some where. I had heard of the stories. The biggest pack under my old one. So i had to be extra careful on where i was going and my senses. and it being night didn't make things easier. I caught scent of a white tail and had noticed i hadn't ate in a while when my stomach growled so i thought why not and went for it. I was on its trails very quickly and almost had my teeth into it until i seen him. The big black Alpha in front of us. The deer went the other way when i just stopped dead in my tracks. Things got intense after that He let out a growl and out of instinct i returned it. Then i seen 3 other wolves come from behind him. That's when i thought it was a good time to turn and make a run from it. I was always faster then any one i had ever raced in wolf form. So i took off in the direction i came from. Only to hear the sound of howling. I ran fast and silent through the night and into the darkness. My white fur didn't make it easy to hide so i just kept running until i got in some ones back yard. I heard the foot steps behind me so i kept going and caught a shirt and shorts in my mouth to change and hide some where in the town when i reached it. Then it was silent as the night was dead. 

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