[ prologue ]

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 It was cold when she met him, the small snowflakes captured in his messy curls as he towered over her shorter frame. 

He was upset over some stupid game, huffing and puffing foggy breaths into the crisp night air as to somewhat calm down his raging anger for whatever loss had happened earlier that night on the field. 

She was there to write, more specifically for the school paper, and didnt have a care in the world for some petty soccer match.

They were staring at each other, each figures mind running a mile a minute about the other as he stood in his dirtied uniform and her in that same oversized sweater she adored ever so. 

 And when she went to pass him, he grasped her arm as gently as he could to ask her the one question that had been killing him. 

"Will I see you again?"

She smiled, the small crack in the athletes voice melting her heart even if they had never met and replied ever so carefully.


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