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having escaped the snowy soccer field and the intimate confronation that had been placed in the middle of it, indigo welcomed the heat that her small yet cozy flat provided for her. with snowflakes captured in her short locks and boots coated in the cold icy powder, she was eager to toss off the frozen fabric and hop into a hot shower to warm her nimble bones even more. the lanky athlete plagued her mind as she stood beneath the warm rushing faucet. no one had made an effort to speak with her before now, and frankly she was clueless as to how to react. wavy raven locks flopped against her bare back, head tilted upwards to the pipe with green hues hidden behind lashes. the scene played out over and over again in her mind, so many different details coming to light and leaving her pondering about the mysterious green eyed male.

as the water began to run cold, indigo departed from its warmth and shut off the stream of now chilly water. nimble fingers grasped onto her fluffy grey towel, wrapping it around her short torso as she padded into her bedroom where she could get dressed. her computer sat open and waiting for her to begin her daily task of editing, the keys worn down from constant typing and deleting. after she was cozy and fully dressed, the senior decided on getting right to bed after completing the newspaper due the very next day. her slim form curled beneath her fluffy white duvet and she had drifted asleep as the minutes ticked by, thinking about a certain males enchanting green orbs.


now indigo was never a early bird, as shown here as she fumbled about with a mighty stack of papers in one hand and a coffee in the other. she was racing through the hallways, her all too familiar white converse skidding to a halt as the petite girl curled a corner into the newspaper room. there, she turned in the stack of papers and slumped out of the classroom in relief. of course that morning her printer decided to jam, leaving her floundering and gasping as she went about fixing the contraption. although now, she was content and walking through the tacky colored hallways with ease. chuckles and giggles filled the hallways as athletes turned the corner she was headed towards, the jade hues of a certain males catching her own as time seemed to slow as they passed each other. feeling short of breath, indigo was the first to look away with flaming cheeks and a quickened pace to escape the rather intimate encounter.

stepping into her english honors class, the raven sat down in the back row and went over what had just happened in her mind. his emerald hues seemed to brighten at the sight of her, although she couldn't possibly see why. indigo was a rather shy thing and didn't stick her neck out too far to be noticed. she wondered how he had even noticed her, because she was sure they didn't share any classes and they definitely hadn't spoken before. this was all new terrain for her, and she wasn't quite sure how she liked it.

the day was winding to a close, half of the student population already fled the school to do better things on a friday afternoon. indigo, however, sat idly in the newspaper room with a laptop balanced on her lap. she was typing away at the keys, finishing up a college email she had to reply to urgently. unbeknownst to her, a rather lanky figure stood at the door watching her silently. reveling in her unspoken beauty and small frame, the male fidgeted with his uniform before deciding to enter and introduce himself. stepping inside the room cautiously, he looked over her form again as she began to turn and inspect who had entered. jade irises widened at her finding as the two shared a silent staring match before the female parted her lips to shatter the silent barrier between them.

"what's your name?"



oh my goodness i'm so terribly sorry it's delayed and short, i quite like doing the shorter chapters but tell me how you feel about them! i'll add more to them if you don't like them this short! updates will come in much faster, probably twice every week at the most! i hope you have a lovely day chummies!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 07, 2014 ⏰

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