chapter 4. prince caspian

Start from the beginning

"Well you certainly seem to go out of your way to make me miserable," he replies.

"Don't feel so special," I say with a short dry laugh, "You'd know if I hated you," I assure him, "My hatred is not something you would want. I know the worst kinds of punishment for people."

"What would mine be?" He asks suddenly curious.

I grin at him, "That's too easy."

"Try me," he offers shrugging, "if I'm so easy."

"Fine," I say holding my hands out, "go ahead I need to be able to have a peek into your life."

"What are you a witch?" He asks suddenly uneasy.

"I have a certain power that has altered from my lineage. Eleanor has visions when she sleep but I have visions when people take both of my hands, so go ahead," I prompt him my palms facing up towards him. It's a lie but he doesn't know it. The fact is, I don't know how this came to be. It could be possible my lineage came from someone with strong powers that were carried down to myself.

I focus back on Edmund and he hesitates too long, "It's okay if you're scared," I tease him and he narrows his eyebrows before finally taking my hands.

I close my eyes and immediately I see that his reaction to me possibly being a witch is because he encountered one a long time ago. Long before the Telmarines came to Narnia. I also see a deep connection between family and fairness. He longs to be treated fairly amongst his siblings despite something he's done to give them a reason to treat him as less than them. However, he loves his family more than anything.

I drop our hands and he has an expectant look on his face waiting for my response. "It's obvious to me you are big on family, which makes sense all things considered. You like a fair and just system of how things are handled. You like to hear from everyone and what their opinion is. That being said your greatest weakness I could expose to you is hurting your family. It would do me no good to hurt you physically or emotionally, but if I even do much as think about hurting your family well that would cut pretty deep, wouldn't it?" I diagnose and the look on his face confirms it.

"Do you know about-"

"Your issue with witches? Yes. I don't know what happened 1,300 years ago, but whatever it was that is what made you so connected yet disconnected to your family. You're close now but in your mind There is a gap between you and your siblings. You weren't close by any means before whatever event happened those years ago, but now? The very idea of not having your family by your side scares you," I say and he looks almost spooked. "Don't worry Caspian had the same look on his face when I learned just about everything there is about him too," I assure Edmund.

"You don't know everything about me," Edmund smirks but then adds, "do you?"

"I know enough to know I can trust you. You would do anything for family and since I'm family then I know you'll do anything for me," I say with a shrug of my own and continue walking.

"I would've done anything for you, family or not, so long as you remain honest with me," he replies still walking with me.

A pang of guilt hits me and I swallow, "You don't mean that. If you aren't family, you don't mean anything. It all comes down to your name."

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