[ two ]

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"I'll see you later, yeah?" Cedric told Flynn as they were splitting up to ride on carriages up to the castles. Cedric wanted to catch up with his Hufflepuff buddies that he hadn't gotten a chance to write over the summer due to his hibernation. "I'll try to save you a seat with me, okay?"

"Of course. See ya Cedric! Be safe, you hear me? Promise me." Flynn sent Cedric a stern look. There was no telling what was lurking amongst Hogwarts. At any moment, any dark power could harm any of them.

"I'll try, Fish." he tucked her hair back, before stepping back to depart with his Hufflepuff friends.

Flynn whirled around on her heel, coming face-to-face with another face. She lightly gasped as the creature snorted out air, pushing her hair. Not having a chance to react the first moment, reality had caught up to her and Flynneus had let out a loud yelp.

"Aye, Flynn, move outta the way, will you? Before the carriage runs you over. Better yet, feel free to stay in the same spot," Crabbe snorted, Goyle slapping his leg as they laughed. Pansy Parkinson chortled along. A few members of the group were missing, probably was seen waiting too long and was assigned a carriage. Flynn pretended she hadn't heard his stupid remark and found herself climbing onto their carriage.

"Still friends with Diggory, I see," Pansy noted. She gave Flynn a look of disapproval.

"Yeah, I am. Best friends, actually. Problem?"

"I'm just concerned on where your loyalty lies, Little." Pansy spat back, giving her a little side glance. It wasn't subtle at all, the look on her face.

"If you are referring to last year, you can put a sock in it, Parkinson." Flynn grumbled. In year three, Flynn happened to have a huge misunderstanding. She was involved with an accident that costed Slytherin ten points. But of course, to her mates, she had to have done it on purpose.

"You know, Malfoy wouldn't be too ha — "

"I don't care about what Draco thinks, more less what his opinions are of me. That blasted boy needs to learn some manners before I could give a damn about what he thinks. The lot of you as well!" the girl seethed, causing Pansy to grin. Flynn hadn't noticed Pansy's expression change, as she scoffed right after her statement, turning back to where she was facing previously.

Then, she saw Draco Malfoy sitting across from her, clearly looking amused. Flynn's cheeks warmed up, as she looked down at her lap, feeling uncomfortable under his icy glance.

"How was your summer, Little?" Malfoy asked the brown-skinned girl.

"It was fine, thank you," Flynn felt annoyed that she let Pansy get to her. But she wasn't going to pretend like she hadn't said that. She meant what she said and she wasn't going to take that back.

"Muggles worth your summer then?" Malfoy commented. Of course, he'd heard of her going around Europe with her muggle family. "Can't imagine what that's like. Being around those scums for even a second, how'd you do it?" he was well aware of the fact of her own parents being muggle-born and raised.

"Because not everyone can be brilliantly open-minded," Flynn ran her tongue along the bottom of her teeth. "It takes a true act of open-mindedness to accept that muggles and wizards aren't so much apart. Something that your precious daddy can't even buy."

At the mention of his father's voice, Malfoy's smirk drop and was replaced with a scowl.

"Repulsive, isn't it?" Malfoy began a conversation with his friends, as if Flynneus wasn't there anymore. "Filthy blood-traitors."

Whatever Pansy had built up, it was completely intake of what Draco was building up. Just stacking on layers as to why she had despised pure-bloods. The nerve of them, thinking they were better than everyone else, that they were so superior, due to the fact that they're involved in the 28 special families and it brought riches and galore.

"Sometimes, I really wonder if the girl's one of us," Goyle spoke in a hushed tone. And so did Flynn. While she had several traits of the Slytherin house, she questioned her placement.

Flynneus exhaled deeply, feeling a chill run down her spin as she looked around. It was dark outside and they were surrounded by a bunch of trees. A breeze found its way toward the students, causing them to all shiver as the trees swayed gently. Flynn's glance was over her shoulder, eyes scanning around. She was just about to face forward but something caught her eye.

"Perro," she murmured to herself, completely flipping around so that her knees were on her seat. She was practically straddling the seat, but she was too busy to notice. Flynn tucked her hair behind her ear, blinking a few times to do a double-take. The bright, glowing dog seemed to have sense her as it began to howl. She swore she could see the dog give her a small smile, before running away.

It was wishing her luck on the new school year, perhaps. Maybe a patronus her father had sent her.

"She's gone mad! Possessed, I tell you! What do you supposed we'd do with a possessed girl in our cart? Don't just sit there, throw her off." Crabbe exclaimed, motioning for one of them to push her off.

"Oh, shut up, you blistering bloke," Flynn rolled her eyes, taking her seat again.

That shut Crabbe up. He was always used to doing whatever he was told when the voice had much authority.

huh. nice.

LITTLE FISH → Draco MalfoyTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang