Chapter 7even

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Marinette had broken up with Felix last night. She was still pretty pissed off with him.

Meanwhile, Felix dragged Adrien into a corner before they entered the school.

"What do you want, Felix?" Yelled Adrien.

"I want you out of the way!" Felix demanded.

"Of What?!"

"My plan!"


Felix laughed evily, and pushed Adrien's pressure point. Adrien soon passed out.

"I'm so very sorry it had to end like this." Said Felix as he took the ring.

Marinette soon found Felix, and ran up to him angrily.

"Where's Adrien?!" She yelled.

"Why should you care, Madam?" Asked Felix.

"Tell me where he is now!"

"Sorry, Madam. I would do something nice to you, or nothing at all. But you'll just get in the way!".

Marinette saw as Felix held out a wand. She saw a bright flash, then everything went black.

A while later, Marinette woke up to find herself in complete darkness.

"Where am I?" She asked.

Alya wandered around the school on her phone.

"You don't know?" Asked Felix.

"No. Where are you?" Marinette said

"You're in my head. You can hear all of my thoughts. You can see everything I can. You'll be stuck watching me do my worst."


"Nobody can hear you except me!". He walked away.

Alya walked around until she found Marinette's body as still as a statue.

"MARINETTE!!" She called out as she shook her friend's body. She panicked a bit when her friend didn't awaken.

She then noticed the open manhole. She looked in it, and saw unconscious Adrien. She pulled him out, and screamed out his name.

"Alya?" Adrien said groggily as he woke up.

"Adrien! You're okay!" Alya yelled.

"What happened?"

"I found you in a manhole, unconscious."

Adrien looked down, and saw Marinette. He ran to her, and called her name.


A half an hour later, Marinette was in the hospital, seemingly in a coma.

Adrien looked at his hands, and noticed his ring was gone! He saw Marinette still had her earrings, and sighed in relief.

"Do you know who could've done it?" Asked Alya.

"I think so." Adrien responded.



"Your brother?!"



"We need to stop him!"

Felix walked into the building.

"You won't get away with this, Felix!"

Well guess what, Madam? I already have!

Felix smiled to himself when he knew that Marinette felt defeated.

Everything is going my way, and you can't stop me!

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