Untitled Part 4

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It's you. Its always been you. It might always be you.


As I made my way out the classroom I made a last minute decision to throw caution to the wind and walk besides him. "So.." I start but before the word even leaves my mouth he turns to face me and smiles. It was the first time I'd seen him smile since 8th grade and it was still just as dazzling as it was when he was nothing but the annoying boy at the back of the class. "Um," I laugh and turn to face the hall ahead ," how do you like it so far? Physics I mean? I remember you used to like math way back when." He looks towards his feet and shrugs," I guess it's going pretty well for someone who has no real expectations for the class." "That's a terrible way of looking at it." "But it's my way so I don't care what you think" "oh," I breath, embarrassment clear across my face as I quickly look away from his dimpled cheeks," um I guess you're right." By then we had already reached the line and without meaning to, we went our own ways. Just like in middle school. As I pay for my lunch I turn to look for his tall figure but by then he was already lost in conversation with an unfamiliar boy. "Well that was a fucking fail," I groan, praying the last two periods pass by smoothly. But little did I know it would be the day that still continues to haunt me.

English has always been my favorite subject and it also happens to be the only subject I'm good at (kinda). AP Literature was the only class I was looking forward to and it had very little to do with the teacher. From the moment I can remember I've always just been surrounded by the need to write my feelings. I never had a diary, my penmanship is far too dreadful for it, so I turned to novels to explain what I felt. By age 13, I had already read every novel & short story by Jane Austen and had my sights set on James Patterson. As our teacher, Miss Mel, made her say to the front I felt the presence of someone behind me, and too my surprise it came from someone I didn't know. "Um hi," she said awkwardly ," you're in my physics class right? You sit with Red?" "Oh yeah yeah I'm Blue." She nods ," I'm Cody. Have you known him long?" "Who? Red?" "Yeah" "Oh yeah I guess we went to middle school together," I laugh and turn my attention towards the teacher, putting a stop to the middle school memories making there way through the back of my head. "Oh cool cool he was in my photography classes last year." I laugh nodding slowly, realizing that I am not the only one who, in such a short amount of time, fell for Red's weird, off-center, and quirky antics.


the now

january 10, 2017

To Olive/ From Blue : Should I ditch class already #day2


To Olive/ From Blue: But I really don't wanna yo

"Ugh" I slide my phone into my back pocket as I make my way into my first discussion of the quarter already completely regretting, once again, the fact that I even left home in the first place. As I made my way to an empty seat I noticed there were only two more people in the room besides myself. One, a pretty blonde girl no more than a few years older than me and a boy, whose face I can not see, but a headscarf adorned his head. I sat down right behind him and let out an almost silent huff. I saw the boy turn towards me and when his face was completely to me it took me a second to take his features in. It was then that it became almost silly to think that when I left home to live two hours away five months ago it never occurred to me that one day I would meet someone who would dazzle me with just one smile the way Red did. "You alright?" I nodded trying to convince myself to say something, anything, to make a good impression on this newcomer. I cleared my throat," Yeah sorry its been a long long day. Actually its been a long few months," I laugh trying to cut the tension. He smiles," Yeah I can understand that but you know what makes long days pretty great? They always seem to get better." "Hopefully" At this point the room is about completely full and our small almost meaningless conversation comes to an end. 

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