Off and On

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"Harley!" The Joker exclaimed as I stepped inside.

I jumped at the sight of him...he wasn't as pale any more. His white face make up was off.

Razor sharp scars ran across his cheeks and forehead.

"Who did this to you?" I approached him, bending down and looking him in the eyes.

"Batman." He wheezed.

For the first time I saw anger in his eyes. What kind of Super hero does this to people, even if their evil?
I suddenly pressed my thumb next to the largest scar. He winced.

"I'm sorry, just wanted to know how much pain." I smiled at him, trying to get him to cheer up.

He then smiled and grabbed my hand.

"Harley, dear, I live for these moments with you." He winked at me, letting go of my hand.

"I got your Kitty." I said tenderly, reaching into my bag, pulling out A stuffed kitten that he had previously asked for.

I gingerly handed it to him. He smiled and said,

"So thoughtful."

He batted his eyes at me while I sat down. I still couldn't understand the scars. I honestly felt bad.

"Is there anything I can get you?" I asked sighing.

"There is something you could do for me." He looked up, into my eyes.

"Anything, I mean, yes." I coughed.

His smile grew bigger.

"I need a machine gun." I told me.

"A machine gun?" I repeated.

He can't be serious.

He started to laugh again so I knew this must be one of his jokes. I laughed and then we started to talk. 

Over the past two weeks that I've been working with Mr. Joker I've started to groan fond of him.
The thoughts of seeing him tommarrow drove me to sleep every night. The thoughts of see his scratched face every once and a while scared me. It was horrible to see his pretty-boy face all beaten up like that. I've been feeling this way all day, until I get those few hours were I'm wondering what's going on in my brain? I can't be falling in love with a crazy person, can I?

It was a Thursday rainy mid-day walk through the asylum. I opened the door, not wasting anytime to sit down. Mr. Joker sat across from me, his whole body now lived and worked now that I was here.

"Missed you." He whispered.

"And you think I didn't?" I smiled at my own joke.

He laughed then heald his hands out over the table.

"Harley.....your so.......evil. I love it." He smiled, showing his silver teeth.

I knew this must be one of those little jokes. I laughed and smiled, fixing my glasses, blushing a bit.

He sat back in his chair as we talked today, my heart thumping every time he smiled when he gave me the answer. I stood up to leave, saying,

"That will be all Mr. Joker."

But as I walked past him, I spun around and planted a kiss on his cheek. Before either of us said anything I rushed out of the room.

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