Chapter 1: Work

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Perrie's Pov:

Could this day get any worse. I was currently on the side of the street in New York, trying to get a taxi to pull over for me. I was having no luck. It was starting to sprinkle and I had nothing to protect me from getting wet and I had a department meeting in an hour, and it takes nearly forty minutes just to get there. I have been living in New York for about a year now. And the weather is pretty rocky here. Always different. My pager was buzzing with all the one sentence messages telling me not to be late, since this is the one job that I have been able to actually keep. 

The Streets were lined with people rushing to get to and from early and late shifts at the company's that surrounded me. Buzz...Buzz..Buzzzzz..... I looked for an open taxi and they were always either full or in a rush to get through the traffic that was always in New York. New York the Place that you can get away with Murder, but never get through traffic. I saw a taxi that was neither full nor rushing and I took my chance and waved whistled everything that I had to do to get the taxi drivers attention. He pulled over thankfully. I got in finally getting out of the rain, and was also now able to take my pager out of my dripping coat pocket. 

Jerry: You better hurry boss is getting impatient..

Letty: Bring the papers with the current outstanding record labels.. blah.. blah.. blah.

I knew that all the other messages would be the same. I checked in my small satchel to see if I brought the papers.. I had.. Whew. I would have literally died if I hadn't, getting back to my apartment is even harder then leaving it. I arrived at work, five minutes till. The elevator whisked me up to the forth floor. I could finally breath as I sat down in my chair. Letty my partner in crime, the one that always takes up for my case, gives me a smile that is followed by a small thumbs up. 

The Boss walks into the room, not looking at anyone but me. His assistant follows him, laptop in hand. I love Filmour he is very shy when the boss is with him, but other then that he is the most outgoing person I have ever met. He looks at me and nods. The nod means more than a normal nod means, it means that I should do very good in this meeting as the boss is very unhappy right now.

Did I mention my Boss is Simon Cowell?

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