8 Reasons Why Life Is So Precious

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#1 — Whatever it is that we focus on, we move towards

The thing about life is that whatever we tend to focus on, we move towards. When we think that life is a curse or merely a painful struggle, we manifest that more into our lives. We find more experiences that help to prove that theory over time. With every additional experience, and every added ounce of focus towards that end, we continue its manifestation into our lives.

When you realize that life is precious, you also look at everything with childlike pleasure, as though you were experiencing it for the first time. It shouldn’t take a near-death experience or some other major calamity in life to realize how important human life is no matter what our present situations, skin color, religion, gender, or what anything else is for that matter.

#2 — There is a reason for every failure we experience in life

Oftentimes, when we fail, we have difficulty realizing just how precious our lives might be. We focus on the failures and it consumes us, eating away at us mentally, emotionally, spiritually and physically. But life’s failures aren’t designed to do that. They’re designed to allow us to grow and learn invaluable lessons that can only be gleaned through those very failures.

However, failure at anything, no matter how big or small it might be, should help to open our eyes to the absolute importance of what we’ve been given — a chance to live, breathe and experience life in the physical realm. Never take that for granted no matter how bad your failures might be nor how small they might make you feel. There’s a reason for it all.

#3 — Pain makes us stronger and more aware

Even in situations of great pain and anguish, we should realize the fragility of life, its importance and its meaning. While pain can dampen the body, it enriches the mind over time. Through pain we grow and learn. We become more aware of our surroundings and gain a deeper understanding of the purpose of our lives.

No matter what occurs, nor how much pain it inflicts, it should help enhance our awareness of whatever it is that want or desire. Pain can dramatically change the course of our lives, but oftentimes, it’s a refinement of direction. Don’t allow pain to destroy you; rather, allow it to uplift you and make you realize just how important life really is.

#4 — Life is a beautiful, miraculous gift that needs to be savored

When you stop to think about it for a moment, we are but a blip in the annals of time. Modern humans have lived for around 50,000 years, but our species evolved some 200,000 years ago. However, modern recorded history is just 2,000 years old. And the universe is 13.8 billion years old. We’re pretty significant on the scale of time.

I say that primarily to highlight that life is a beautiful gift. It’s a one-in-a-zillion chance that we’re alive here, living and breathing, on this earth. Somewhere out there, there might be millions of other planets just like ours with denizens going about their lives, unaware of everything else transpiring in the universe. But, you are also you, a unique person with unique gifts and experiences. Savor and cherish every moment of it. Don’t let it go wasted.

#5 — Gratitude is the pathway to hope

When things don’t quite go according to our plans, we lose hope. When everything around us is shattered into a million little pieces, it’s hard to keep an elevated spirit. But, rather than fill our minds with negativity, we need to be grateful for what we do have, no matter what it is. Because, through gratitude, we appreciate the beauty  of the lives we’ve been blessed with.

Gratitude is also the pathway to hope. When we’re grateful, we move out of a state of fear, and move into a state of love and compassion. We can be more sympathetic and empathetic, and those positive energies rejuvenate and replenish the spirit rather than taking away from it.

#6 — We’re here today, but we can be gone tomorrow so live life to the fullest

You hear all the time on the news about peoples’ lives being cut short. Whether it happens in a major catastrophic experience that affects hundreds of thousands of others, resulting in countless deaths, or it happens silently at night during sleep, life is just too short to spend it steeped in worry.

We’re here today, but tomorrow we can be gone, so we have to appreciate what we have in the here and now, and learn to live life to the fullest. Remove all negativity and hate from your life, and forgive those around you for whatever it is they might have wronged you for. You don’t need to forget. Just forgive. It will lighten the load and make you further appreciate the fragility of life.

#7 — All of us are on unique journeys in life and we shouldn’t compare ourselves to others

We often fail to appreciate just how precious life is when we compare ourselves to others. Whether we compare financially or through some other aspect, we look to what we don’t have rather than what we do. There will always be people to compare to and who are more successful or powerful or attractive or whatever else you might have. But you can’t compare yourself to them.

Your life is unique. You’re on a unique journey, meant to make unique discoveries in life. Your time shouldn’t be spent dwelling on what you don’t have. Appreciate the journey. Literally, take a walk and small the roses. That’s what matters. But don’t compare yourself to others if you want to have any semblance of happiness or peace whatsoever. Happily succeed rather than trying to succeed to be happy.

#8 — You are 6 feet above ground right now, that’s what matters

Life is precious because it was given to us as a gift. We are here for a purpose. And, as long as we are 6 feet above ground, we have the opportunity to make the most of the life that was given to us. Right now, others are not so lucky. People are dying every moment, and someone is losing a loved one or friend. Even if that’s happened to you with someone close, you’re still here. You’re reading these words right now.

Being 6 feet above ground is an important distinction to make. It’s an awareness that will give you perspective on life and all the things around you. There are billions of souls on this planet just trying to make it in life and are so immersed in their goals or problems that they never actually stop to realize that they’re alive right now. You’re still here and you have the chance to make the most of it right now and be happy in this very moment, not at some point down the line.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 10, 2017 ⏰

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