Why Life Is So Precious

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     Today, right now, at this very moment, there are people enduring a tremendous amount of strife. Not just afar in places like Syria or North Korea, but in our very own backyards. When you stop to think about it for a moment, there is an enormous amount of pain and suffering happening everywhere. The sheer enormity of it all can certainly feel overwhelming.

However, the plight of others should remind us about the importance of the simple beauties and treasures in our own lives. Instead of looking to the haves, we must look to the have-nots as a reminder of what we do have rather than what we don’t have. We have to get off the Hedonic Treadmill and become more attuned to the preciousness in every moment of time.

The fact of the matter remains that we’re here one moment then gone the next. If we spend that infinitesimal amount of time steeped in worry and negative emotions, we’ll never realize the miraculous gift of life that we’ve been given. If you stop to think about the probability of life and our own existence, you’ll realize why every moment needs to be savored and treated like it could be our last.

However, all of this is just talk. To the person who’s suffering through the torment of failure or has entirely lost hope in life, these are just words. The words might invoke some emotions, but they’re ultimately overpowered by the burden of thousands of pounds of problems resting like the weight of the world on our shoulders.

Yet, no matter what the present situation might be in your life — no matter how many problems might exist — this too shall pass. And in that time, your faith must remain unwavering. You must rely on God, Allah, Buddha or whoever it is that you call your creator, even if it’s just the spiritual, universal energy that binds us all.

Here are some of the most important reasons why life is so absolutely precious, and why, no matter what your problems might be right now, that the quicker you look at the positives rather than the negatives, the sooner you’ll feel that cathartic cleansing that comes along with pure, unadulterated gratitude for this miraculous journey that we call life.

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