A little about me

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Remember last night I mentioned not being able to comprehend the fact that other people also have complex lives like me?

So I have decided to tell you some (not too personal) things about me. As a plus, you can finally see inside the mind of MOI!!

•I'm a night owl
•I have a job (I'm scared to be specific..😰)
•my favorite food is sushi
•I love Jpop and Japanese food and pretty much all of Japan
•when I was 5 I wished I could be completely pink, since it was my favorite color (now it's blue)
•I hate coffee
•I love to read and write (bookstores are amazing!!)
•I'm a Christian
•I freak out over the cutest, littlest of things (i.e. a little plant growing out of a crack in the sidewalk, a little bug (not spiders), smooth stones, little gardens, baby elephants)
•I have two dogs
•my dream is to become a musician (hopefully to compose soundtracks for movie scores, music for ballets, operas, et cetera)
•I'm right-handed
•I'm allergic to cats
•I'm an INFJ
•I love being sweet to people
•I love having short friends (being 5'8" it just makes me feel like I can protect them)
•I can't swim
•I don't judge
•I enjoy being open minded, willing to consider changes and second options
•I want to travel the world (mostly Europe)
•I tend to talk to myself
•I have this mentality that my friends actually are really annoyed with me, even though I know that's not true
•I've never had a boyfriend, or a mutual crush.......so alone.......
•I hate my face most of the time (20% of the time I'm like OUTTA MY WAY PEASANTS I'M FABULOUS)
•I get flustered when I'm around cute boys (who doesn't? I'm just especially awkward)
•I'm learning Norwegian
•I'm terrified at the thought of college, but also excited
•I love all my wattpad readers!

Thanks for sticking with me guys! It means so much!!!

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