Chapter 18 : The Secret of the Past

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It's been a month since the disaster occurred. I nearly starved to death, as there was absolutely nothing around me. As I grew weaker, chances of survival rapidly decreased.

It was impossible for me to survive this catastrophe.

I crawled on solid ground searching for a small puddle to fill up my thirst, dragging my body the whole way.

"This truly is the worst way to die" I mumbled. I recalled the moment where Rendevel too was stuck somewhere with absolutely zero chances of survival. I suddenly became curious on how he managed to pull it off.

As I wondered and stared at the sky, I noticed a peculiar circular thing hanging on the sky. I reached my hand out to touch it. Strangely, I felt as if I was touching an object nearby when it was actually a hundred metres away from me. I twisted the object, a sort of door knob perhaps?

All of a sudden, an illusionary door appeared. I hoisted myself up carefully, weak from hunger and exhaustion. My lips widened to a feeble smile when I managed to unlock the door. I felt relieved, but my detective side told me something was afoot. It turned out to be some kind of a black hole.

Before I could respond and escape, blackness consumed me. An unresistable pull kept me from exiting the door.My barely audible screams faded as I passed out to oblivion. My last thought before I passed out was,

"This is a ridiculous way to die, and I'm too stupid to notice this sick malicious trap to escape in time. I've been a failure."


After who knows how long, I woke up as I felt the jagged surface of the wall digging to my back. I groaned a guttural noise and rose to my feet. I was immediately attacked with a wave of nausea.

I wobbled and tried to get something to hold, but the air around me was annoyingly bare. I banged my head pretty bad as I crumbled to the ground. Sharp jagged flashes of light filled my vision, and I shook my head to clear my vision. It's no use. My head still throbbed painfully.

I carefully tapped the ground to see if my powers still worked. To my enormous surprise, I managed to get a full scan on the location. I was ecstatic when I could use my powers. But after a few hours crawling all over the place trying to find an exit, I kept facing a dead end.

"Am I fooled? Is this building haunted?"

All of a sudden, I heard an eerie screech behind me, I duck my head to avoid it. My heart raced as I search for the exit, the ground started to shake and pulled me backwards to where I previously stood when I woke up. The creature too didn't gave up on me, it kept flying back and forth above me. As if it too was trying to prevent me from escaping.

It started screaching louder and louder, my eardrums were about to burst when it finally stopped. Unfortunately, after a few seconds he started screaching again, and eventually, I fainted.

"Lively green grass surrounded me. Trees dancing a gentle rythm of the wind, the violet-bluish sky above me soothed my heart. Water drops falling slowly above me, soaking me wet. Red vivid berries alluring me to eat them. Symbols carved onto a brick wall, an ancient clock and a mystic cloud. I bobbed my head as I wondered throughout the paradise. Tingling flowers, and brushing leaves were music to my ears."

I woke up from the illusion, gasping hard. I realized that there was someone standing in front of me. She was beautiful, her evening scarlet hair, her vivid green body, and her elegant purple robe. Her peach lips rose up to the side as she stared at me, her stare was soothing and she looked kind. She walked calmly, gracefully as her heels knocked the hollowed wooden tiles.

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