Literally Hurt

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"Mr. Linton..!!!" He growled. Anger and utter annoyance was evident in his voice.

"You are.." he took out his pocket watch and checked the time before speaking ".. 2 hours 48 minutes and 29 seconds late. You are fired."

My eyes widened a kilometre to each side and my jaw dropped. I can't believe it! He fired me for being late..?! I am late almost everyday and deducts my wages, but today- he had just fired me. No reason, no explanation, nothing! How dare he!

"You bloody cold chauvinistic miser! How dare you sack me for such a ridiculous reason! Just because I woke up late and was daydr- no! Yes.. I mean.. Wha- hey!"

He stood up and gestured me to shut my mouth. He's impossible! 

Apologize Lilly before he throws you out and before you lose your (maybe) last chance of admitting that..

I know okay! Just shut up and let me concentrate on the situation. One thing I couldn't understand that why was he SO angry today?!

"Respect, Mr. Linton. You are wasting my time. Knowledge is power is time is money. So please get out of my office. You will get your paycheck by tomorrow. Goodbye."

"I don't give a flying duck about your respect and no, I will not let you fire me. It would be better for you if you get that through you thick skull, sir!"

I must have really, really, REALLY pissed him off that granite-faced employer of mine; otherwise, never ever he would have done what he did.

He harshly picked up the glass of water from his table and flung it randomly towards the connecting door. The poor piece of glass smashed into smithers and fell all across the floor like stars in a night sky.

To be honest, I was beyond shocked at this outburst of Mr. Ambrose's anger. My anger vanished into thin air and was replaced by fear. I was so startled, but he- he just left. He marched towards his powder-room, went inside and into his room and closed the door with a loud thud.

Then, after overcoming that trance, I realised that he had really sacked me and he meant it. Nonetheless, he even ignored me and left me here, alone. I felt a lump in my throat and tears swelled up in my eyes.

I wanted to go home. Although that would always have been the last thing I would want to do in any kind of situation, now I just wanted to cuddle up in a corner of my room and cry out all my griefs.

I had lost my key to freedom and independence. Why on earth was I wasting my time on the street thinking about... him?

Now, even if you were to barge into his room and force him to take you back as an employee, he would probably kill you right there, throw your body in Thames and no one would ever find out anything!

I shuddered at this thought. I turned and ran towards the door to my office. Yes.. just a few more strides... almost I had reached the blasted door when.... "aaaaahhhh!! Oh no NO! Owww!"

I slipped on the spilled water and fell down. My face was spared but the sharp glass pieces pierced into my skin! Blood started coming out of my shoulders, arms and legs. I  was in so much pain that I couldn't get up.

It took me my all strength to get up from that traitorous floor. I opened the door only to hear footsteps coming near and stopped behind me. I turned around to face my bewildered employer. "Lilly, what happened? Are you hurt? Say pl-" His eyes fell on my clothes from which few drops of blood were drippind. His eyes widened and he began speaking "How did th-" but I silenced him by throwing the coldest glare I could manage at him.

I stepped into my office, locked the door. Before he could unlock it, I ran out of the Empire House and towards my home. And the worst part was, I left a bloody trail of footprints on my way, literally!

Gradually, my vision got blurry, and my head started spinning. I lost my direction sense and just I thought I had come near Green Park, I collided with a wall.

But why does not this wall feel warm and comfortable like usual?

It is, my blasted inner voice, because it is a real wall. It is not Mr. Ambr..... And I passed out.

~~Π _ Π~~

So, the second part!!!!! The next chapter will be in... SURPRISE!!! ... It will be in Mr. Ambrose's POV!!! To all those who are eagerly awaiting the next update, keep in mind that it will start when our Mr. Ambrose shuts out Lilly and goes to his room.

Happy reading!!!

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