healed the Queen.

A healthy baby boy

a Prince was born

with golden hair

and beautiful golden iridescent nails.

He was named


From his nails

even though he didn't know it yet

he could do magical things.

To celebrate his birth

the King and Queen 

launched a flying lantern

into the sky.

And for that one moment

everything was perfect.

And then that moment ended.

Mother Maria returned 

to steal back the magical powers of the flower

by trimming the end of one of Jopunzel's nails

His right pinky finger.

It didn't work

the off cut quickly turned brown 

losing all its goldeness and magic

and it died.

Mother Maria realized she would have to steal the child

to harness the nails healing power 

and keep it for herself.

She was gone 

just like that

and so was Jopunzel.

The kingdom searched and searched

but they could not find

the Prince

For deep within the forest

in a hidden tower

Maria raised the child as her own.

She would polish 

Jopunzel's beautiful nails 

while he sang the song

Don't wait for the world to be ready.

Maria had found her new magic flower

but this time

she was determined to keep it hidden.

Jopunzel- Why can't I go outside?

Mother Maria- The outside world is a dangerous place

filled with horrible, selfish people

you must stay here, where you are safe.

Mother Maria- Do you understand flower?

Jopunzel- Yes, Mama.

But the walls of that tower

could not hide everything

Jopunzel watched through his window.

Each year 

on his birthday

the King and Queen

released thousands of lanterns into the sky.

In hope that one day

their lost Prince

would return...

(A/N: OMG GUYS!! IT'S UP! I hope you like the prologue to my new book The Golden Flower. There are some things you need to know; so this is based off Disney's Tangled/Rupunzel with a little Janiel twist. This story was inspired by UneFilleDeLaNuit and Ivy_Kay so go check out their books as well, they are great writers. In this story instead of super long hair Jopunzel (Joey) will have regular length golden (his natural colour irl) hair (because Joey with long hair would be terrifying) and magical golden/iridescent nails. He gets his powers from the nails and no even though he can't cut his nails they do not grow very long (that would also be terrifying) it's part of the magic. Also Maria for a villain is funny because Joey often calls her a witch. Keep In mind that a lot of things will be the same as the movie but not everything.)

Hope you enjoyed and are excited for this story cause I am! Please add, vote, comment, follow, etc. Thanks, love you, see you soon, Good Janiel Bye!!!)

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