Secret Santa 2

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Wait! The idea of part of this chapter is from Garnet_Dagger

Mackenzie climbs out of her $50,000,000 bed.

Mackenzie: OMG! I slept SOOO well! Now to wrap my present for BRANDON!!!

Mackenzie opens her dresser draw to find her picture missing!

Mackenzie: OMG! Where IS it? MOMMYYY! DADDDYYYYYY!!! WAIT. Those ugly muddy yucky ewey footprints can only belong to ONE dork. NIKKI MAXWEEEEEEELLLLLL!!! And those cuter but still soooo ugly sneakers...they must be Chloe ans Zoey! And the hottest manliest man footprints...Are BRANDON? NOOOO! And those super cute pump dents in my carpet...Jessica? :(!!!

Mackenzie throws a hissy fit.

Mackenzie: HOW COULD THEY DO THIS TO MEEEEEEE?!?????!??!?!??!??!!!

Mackenzie screams through her sobs. It wakes up everyone in the living room because Mackenzie hosted the sleepover for the secret santa.

Zoey: What the hell was THAT?

Mackenzie enters the living room where her guests have been sleeping.


The others gasped.

Brandon: Why?

Of course, Mackenzie smiled as if nothing ever happened.

Mackenzie: Oh, Brandon! The reason is, something SUPER precious has been stolen! And I found YOUR fingerprints!

Jessica: Hahahaha! Mackenzie, can I talk to you? ALONE?

Mackenzie: Sure, hon!

Mackenzie pulls out her compact mirror and applies 2 new layers of Krazy Kissalicious Lip Gloss in a new Princess Purple colour.

Mackenzie: Into my room! NOW!!!

Jessica follows Mackenzie into her bedroom.

Jessica: We didn't do anything!

Mackenzie: I wish I could trust you, best friend. But I HATE ANIMALS!!! When I took that photo, those STINKY MUTTS peed all over my new DESIGNER dress, which was an exact replica of Ariana Grande's Focus WHITE CROP TOP DRESSY MATCH!!!!

Brandon and everyone else could hear the whole thing. Brandon started crying.

Nikki: Brandon? What's up?

Brandon: She called them dirty mutts!!!

Brandon stopped crying and tried to suck up his tears. Then he looked pretty ticked off!

Brandon: I have a wicked idea for a prank!

Everyone listens.

They text Jess and ask her to stall.

They gather some itching powder, eye shadow, coconut oil and everything else they need for the lava lamp lip gloss and rash if stuff.

They also got some emetics. They made the lip gloss normally, then put in half a teaspoon of Pinktastic Powder: Itchify! And a teaspoon of Emetic Poison.

They replaced the normal one with their new poisoned one and told Jessica it's ok.

They all gathered for putting down the presents when no one was looking. Mackenzie had to put something random for Brandon.

They all opened their presents. They all loved them! Brandon had gotten Mackenzie's unused 'Boy Journal' which he would use as a diary. Mackenzie applied six fresh layers of her new lip gloss.

Mackenzie: I don't feel so good... HOOLP! I BINK I MUT POOK!

Mackenzie ran to the bathroom.

A few days later at school, Mackenzie's lips were covered in scars and she was constantly itching them.

Nikki: That's what you get, Mack!

Zoey and Chloe: Yup!

If you happen to not know what Emetic Poison is, it is a poison that makes you puke. You may be wondering why that exists, but if you eat something bad, like a poison toadstool, you drink some to puke it out.


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