KingBury: "Hey, i'm with you, okay? Always"

Start from the beginning

He forced the thought out of his mind, he had to do this... for Samuel; something he had reminded himself all day but as the thought drifted away, so did part of himself and in place of the dreading feeling he had felt all day, a familiar horrid sickly feeling took hold of him, a stabbing pain began to form in his chest, it made him cough as he placed one hand on his chest trying to keep his heart rate down.
Sweat formed on his brow and his hands became sticky and even more unstable then they were before, it was becoming increasingly harder to breath and nothing around him made any sense.
It was too loud for him although it was only Samuel speaking, it was too crowded even tough he was in a separate isle from the public and staff, everything was spinning-George frantically eyed people becoming increasingly paranoid as he tried to keep quiet and keep his breathing under control as not to draw attention to himself.
Head down, the king began to fiddle with his lacy cuffs (a habit he was fond of doing in frightening situations) only for one moment allowing himself to look up towards Sam who was still rambling on the alter although he instantly regretted the decision when he spotted a colourful young man next to the bishop, although at another glance George realised that he wasn't staring at any 'young man' but in fact a bright blue and green Peacock?!

Everyone knew the king had an odd fixation on Farm life and peacocks in particular, however only Seabury and The king himself knew they're role in his hallucinations.

The king stared at the hilariously absurd sight in front of him, he wondered how sam hadn't spotted they're 'friend' yet? Smiling like a mad man at the sight his focus suddenly returned to the bishop and the peacock had seemingly disappeared?
He quickly wiped the smile off his face and solemnly cupped his head in his hands-he was so confused at what he had just witnessed and what was going on around him.
"Your okay George.... y-you have to do this.... for Sammy..."
He continued to remind himself of those words under his breath in the hope it would encourage him to stick through the service without drawing any major attention to himself for he knew that leaving early would only cause more rumours and questions concerning his health.
A moment of clarity passed.
He realised how quiet it actually was in the church and how loud his breathing had become, he quickly regained his composure, Samuel's voice seemed slightly higher-George knew this happened to Samuel a lot when he either felt threatened or was extremely anxious?
His voice was also very slightly faster than it had been before, once again George sat up straight however unable to look his closest friend (with benefits) in the eyes.
"Your okay..."

Once he was sure his breathing was under control he began to pay full attention to Sam again, about 20 minutes passed without issue, Sam seemed quite happy again and the king was determined to stay focused on Samuel and nothing else already knowing some of the public had noticed something had happened...

While admiring the decorations once again George witnessed an odd flash of colour rush by him, the sight of the peacock he believed to be long gone now returning to Sam's side was the last thing he wanted to see and his chest pain he had managed to deal with suddenly dramatically intensified causing the king to bend over double.
He could tell the guards were watching him now... although he was putting his all in so as no members of the 'outside world' would notice.
"Your majesty? Would you like to l-"
George snapped at the guard quietly as he somehow managed to sit back on his chair fighting the burning and stabbing explosions in his chest.
"I-I'm fine, thank you"
"I'm the king for Christ's sake-if I say I'm fine then you can bloody well believe me that I'm sure I'm fine!"
The guard quickly sat back and kept quiet, the other trying not to laugh at his friend.
The kings hands were shaking uncontrollably, it was extremely obvious that he was not alright, he tried to hold his hands down to hide it but it was no use, they wouldn't stop shaking and his breathing wasn't getting any better.

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