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Astrid S - Paper thin




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9:34 am

I squeezed my eyes as I woke up due to the bright light shining in through the curtains. My hair was all over my face and I barely could see anything but I somehow managed to turn around and look into Christoffers face. He was still asleep and almost drooling but he looked the cutest ever. 
For two minutes straight my eyes scanned his face and how his mouth was opened a little bit, his arm positioned under his face, his other arm wrapped around my waist. 
His hair was messy and a few strings were hanging into his face which I softly stroke away with the back of my hand. 
It was calming to watch him sleep. He didn't snore but still you were able to hear his breath. It was steady and slow. 
I smiled. This is who he really is. I'm not laying next to Penetrator-Chris, I'm laying next to Christoffer Schistad right now. 
Trying to be as silent as possible, I carefully stood up and went upstairs into my room. I really needed to change my clothes because for some reason Christoffer burns like a human heating and so I woke up a little sweaty. 
While looking through my clothes, I heard a silent knock on the door. 
''Come in'' I said. 
I saw Eva walking in, she looked hungover as hell. When I gave her a confused-'the-hell-did-u-do'-look she just threw her hand up and gestured a 'dont even ask'.
''So... you and Chris huh?'' Eva asked and smirked. 
I rolled my eyes. ''Maybe Eva. I don't know. He's Chris. Schistad. I'm not a Schistad-girl.'' I wasn't paying attention to my clothes anymore and dropped the shirt I was holding up. 
''Damn, you fell hard my dear.'' Eva shook her head with an ''exaggerated'' worrying impression on her face.

We stood in my room for a while till it was time for eating.
It was our turn to make something for everyone so me and Eva went downstairs to gather the girls together.
Downstairs, where Chris and I spent the night, everything was cleaned up and our 'bed' was gone. I looked for Chris but couldn't find him and gave up after a while.

''I'm gonna look outside for Vilde and Sana alright?'' Eva asked. I nodded and walked towards the kitchen when I suddenly got pulled to the side.
''Tell me how much you've enjoyed the night'' Chris face was extremely near to mine - I literally felt his smile on my skin.
Before I was able to protest, his lips landed on mine.
If I was able to, I would've gasped but his kiss was so intense that I wasn't able to catch a breath.
Leaning against the wall, he went on kissing me for a solid 2 minutes.
When he stopped we both gasped for air. A moment of silence while we were looking in each others eyes. Suddenly he started laughing and strolled away.
''GOD HOW LONG DID I WAIT FOR THIS TO HAPPEN?'' He yelled through the cabin while walking outside.
I was still shocked and didn't know where to go so I just kept on staring towards the direction he left.

When I finally gathered myself together, still overwhelmed by his action, I walked into the kitchen. 
Eva, Vilde and Sana walked in, laughing as always but when they saw me standing in the middle of the kitchen they kind of got quiet and just smirked.

''Chris told us you guys are basically married now'' Sana said. 
''What did you give him? I want to be on the same drugs he is on.'' Vilde laughed.
I noticed that I started blushing and turned away, trying to distract their attention that was on me.
''Sooooooo, what are we going to eat today?'' I asked, way to overexcitedly. 
Eva pulled me into her arms. ''Girl, do you really think we're gonna cook? I already ordered about 5 pizza's.'' 
Well, that is typical for them but I wouldn't be able to focus anyway so I just said okay and tried to get out of Eva's hug. 
''Are you gonna tell us something about last night or what?'' Eva countered. 
''We kissed. Thats it, what do you want to hear?'' I finally set myself free from her hug and turned around, trying to do something so the girls didn't see my blushing. 
''Oh my god you-''-''WHAT''-''I KNEW IT'' They roared and made me want to curl up and die. 

After 30 minutes of trying to explain them that I didn't want it and he obviously almost forced me to kiss him, the pizza finally arrived and we all sat down to eat. 
I tried to avoid eye contact with Christoffer, who somehow managed to move his seat closer to me. 
''Are we going to have a party tonight or what?'' One of the penetrators shouted, followed by weird and loud agreeing shouts of almost everyone but me. 
I'm not the party type, I'd rather lay in bed with my girls all day and watch some silly TV shows. But well, they wanted to party so I had to give in.

7:52 pm

It was almost 8 pm and most of the girls were already drunk. We were in the penetrators cabin because it was way too cold to party outside. 

I was holding a cocktail in my hand, just as decoration because I really didn't feel like drinking at all. 
Suddenly, Vilde ran up to the couch I was sitting on and pulled me onto the dance floor. I tried to force myself to dancing but all I wanted to do right now is sleeping. 

A little pissed, a little tired but with a forced smile on my face I gave in and danced to Beyonces song single ladies. 
My eyes wandered around the crowd and I spotted some faces I didn't know, probably someone the penetrators invited.
Suddenly my heart began to race. I spotted Christoffer, but he wasn't alone.
A blonde girl whispered something in his ear and made him laugh. He leaned in and whispered something in her ear and made her blush.
I got angry. I stopped dancing and everything I did was staring at those two.
I heard Vilde saying ''don't worry about him, he won't do anything Lucy'' but right after she finished her sentence, I saw him leaning in.
He kissed her just the way he kissed me today and all I wanted to do right now is either to throw up or to punch him in the face.
In the trance I was from watching him kiss her, I let my drink fall and the glass shattered loudly on the ground which made a few people, including Chris turn to my direction.

I looked in his eyes. I watched his expression change from confused to 'i fucked up' and he pushed away the girl to walk towards me. 
Before he got to me I turned around and walked outside, I walked as fast as I could to get to our cabin. 
He was shouting my name and begged me to stop running. 
When I got to our cabin door I tried to unlock it as fast as possible so I didn't have to face him and when I finally was inside, I locked it again so he wasn't able to come in. 
I heard him knock against the door, still shouting my name. 
''Leave.''  I shouted, my back pressed against the door he was still knocking against.
''Lucy! Please, let me explain.'' I heard him saying, his knocking slightly getting weaker and weaker. 
''Fuck off, Schistad.'' I shouted and ran upstairs, my eyes filling with tears.


A/N: oh oh... what'll happen next? sorry for my inactivity but I was so so stressed with school! tell me what you think of this chapter <3 love

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 29, 2017 ⏰

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