Chapter 2 - Mark

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"Mark would you come here please." King Tuan calls to his youngest son. Today is Mark's fifteenth birthday and the party will begin soon. Mark places his book on the table in front of him and heads toward his father.

"Before we start your party, you should open these two presents." King Tuan says while handing Mark a medium sized box with holes on the sides and pointing to a flat and tall package wrapped in brown paper. Mark places the box back on the table and heads toward the tall and thin package. Mark remembers receiving a package a lot like this when he was around seven years old.

"Is this another painting?" Mark asks his older brother who has just entered the room with his wife.

"It looks like it is. Why don't you open it and see?" Ethan says while pulling out a chair for his wife to sit in.

Mark walks over to the package and starts pulling the paper off of it. Once the paper is off, the item is clearly a painting. The back of the art piece is facing mark and a small note with his name on it is attached. Mark pulls the note off the back of the painting and opens the envelope. The note read:

Dear Mark,

Happy fifteenth birthday. Jackson and I wanted to give you a birthday present which you will find in the smaller box. Jackson picked it out himself so we hope you like it. I included the painting this note is attached to so you could see what Jackson looks like now. I hope you enjoy the present and have a good birthday.


King Wang

"It's from King Wang and Jackson." Mark tells his family.

"Well let's see what the painting looks like and what's in the box." Ethan says. Ethan and Mark turn the painting around to face the room.

"Wow" Mark manages to get out. The new painting of Jackson was breathtaking. Jackson's face still looked kind, but he had become even more handsome. He was wearing a royal blue blazer that seemed to fit him in all of the right places as he sat upon a regal looking chair that is covered in a burgundy patterned fabric. All in all, Jackson looks amazing.

"You lucked out Mark." Ethan says jokingly. "You may have to marry some guy you've never met, but he's really hot." Ethan starts laughing as the expression on Mark's face turns from observatory to embarrassed and indignant at his older brother's teasing.

"Don't tease your younger brother Ethan." King Tuan reprimands his eldest son, but he doesn't seem too bothered by it. The king simply smiles at his children as they playfully argue and tease eachother. He may never say it, but he is very proud and fond of his children. It's been hard watching Mark grow up with the weight of his engagement on his shoulders. Even with the imminent engagement, Mark had managed to grow into a fine young adult. Ethan did not have to face an engagement, but he did have to deal with the pressure of training. The eldest son had to be prepared to take the throne when the time comes. Ethan was serious, but kept a strong sense of humor along with his sense of duty.

"Leave Mark alone babe" Ethan's wife, Caroline, says playfully. She loves watching the two brothers play and interact with each other. Both had difficult duties ahead of them and they rarely have time to freely interact and talk to each other. Seeing them happy and joking together made her happy. Mark was always so serious, it is good to see him with a smile on his face.

"Don't forget the other present." King Tuan tells his son.

"Okay. Will you pass it over here Ethan?" Mark asks his older brother while gesturing toward the other present.

Ethan hands mark the present and then sits back down next Caroline. Mark rips the wrapping paper off of the box and starts to open the lid.

"What in the world?" Mark exclaims after fully pulling the lid off of the box.

"What is it?" Ethan asks his little brother. He stands up and walks closer to Mark to try and see what's in the box.

"It's a puppy!" Mark happily yells while lifting a small white blob out of the box.

"Is that even a dog? It looks more like a marshmallow." Ethan says while smiling at the happy expression on his little brother's face.

"It's so cute!" Mark nearly screams as he cuddles the little white puppy. The puppy begins to lick Mark's fingers and nuzzle into Mark's hand. Ethan walks over to his younger brother and grabs the box the puppy came in. The inside of the box was covered in foam and had blankets for the puppy to sleep in during the journey. Tucked in between the foam and the box there is a pocket with a few papers in it.

"Here's the pedigree for it." Ethan says.

"Does it say what gender it is or what it's name is?" Mark asks his older brother while holding his new puppy. As Ethan sifts through the papers, Mark coos at the puppy who just snuggles further into Mark's arms.

"It's a girl" Ethan says as he continues to read the papers.

"It seems she likes you" King Tuan tells his younger son.

"I love her already" Mark happily replies.

"She is a hypoallergenic breed which is nice. She won't shed hair everywhere but we will have to groom her." Ethan reads off the paper.

"We can find a groomer to do that part, but you can take care of most of her needs like feeding and walking." King Tuan tells while smiling at his youngest son.

"Best birthday present ever!" Mark happily says while holding his new puppy.


Chapter 2 is done! Sorry this took so long, I was on vacation without my computer. I hope to have the next chapter up sometime this week!

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