When he came out we left, we picked up Peyton from her room which looked like a right mess. Which I didn’t forget to point out making her poke me in the side, hard. I couldn’t deny how beautiful she looked and she knew it without me having to tell her but I did anyway.

“You both look great, I’ll drive my car’s just over there” they replied with their agreement of each other and followed me. I got into the drivers seat and started up the engine. They buckled up their seatbelts and I programmed the gps to take us to the club Leigh told me about last night. Apparently it just had its grand opening.  

When I pulled up at the entrance, I found out the club’s name. It was called “Blue Illusion”, I pulled my car into the closest parking space and got out. We walked up to the entrance together and went inside immediately. They went off together saying they were getting drinks and I told them I’d be there in a minute.

As soon as I walked into the club’s front doors I could feel someone’s eyes on me. It wasn’t exactly uncomfortable perse.  I looked around the room slowly and I caught his eyes. I haven’t seen him before and I had no idea who he was. I was curious so I went over to him, he looked away though so he didn’t see me approach him.

“Hey, do I know you?” I asked catching his attention.

He shrugged, “Maybe, are you single?” I froze, what the hell who says that right away.

“I-I’m in a relationship with a girl” I spluttered out, he was so blunt I don’t understand people that can just say things like that.

“You look familiar, so not into guys?” he asked in a teasing tone.

I rolled my eyes, “Well I don’t know who you are and no…” Why would I be with Amelia if I liked guys, it makes no sense.

After that we just talked a bit more, he brought me a drink and we danced together a little which I was horrible at. He was fun, he’s gay I think but I wasn’t going to ask him straight out. I found out that he was a second year student and he invited me back to his room. All platonic of course, nothing was going to happen I swear. He knew I was taken.

I shot my friends a quick text and they questioned me but I assured them that I was going to be fine. I went with him to his room, he drove me. It didn’t take that long, a pretty short drive actually. He lived on campus too but in another buildings.

He opened the door for me and I walked inside giving his room a onceover. It was actually pretty neat and it was about the same size as my own room. But it looked really different, more decorated and organised. I sat down on the bed and got comfortable whilst I waited for him to come in.

“I just have to make a quick call, be right back” he left the room then I was alone. I could hear some soft music playing from a stereo in the corner that he turned on before he left. He had good taste in music and I immediately liked him for that.

He had a roommate too I thought noticing the extra bed in the corner. The bed wasn’t made though and his side of the room looked much messier. Something caught my eye though, being the detective that I am I wanted to have a closer look. I got up from the bed and walked closer to what had peaked my curiosity.  

I bent down a little and studied it. On the wall above the bed were a collage of photos. One in particular stood out from the others, because I was in the photo. I could see myself clearly, but most of the other photos were of people I didn’t know and scenery. So I couldn’t really tell who the other person that lived here was.

The photo was from graduation day with a few friends and family in it. So it didn’t really give me any clues to who’s room it was. It could almost be any one, in my graduating year.

I didn’t ask him about it, I felt awkward like I was prying. But I was actually really curious as to who his roommate was. I could probably find out, but I would be snooping. I know it was probably not that big of a deal just his roommate and I only needed a name. I moved back to Kentin’s bed and then he came back in. He ended his call and put his phone down on the desk.

We played a few games and chatted casually. Though it was mainly him talking I didn’t really get to ask him even if I wanted to. But one chance did pop up when he paused to check incoming texts.

“Who’s your roommate?” he looked up at me telling me to wait a second whilst he answered his messages

“His name’s Z, a great friend, love him to bits” he didn’t elaborate on him more than that, seemed like a touchy subject so I just let it be. It’s not like I was dying to know or anything.

I left about an hour later, he wrote his number on my arm and I giggled. I was really ticklish in the most ridiculous of places which was quite unfortunate. Then he tickled me with no mercy, I hated to be tickled but I hadn’t laughed that much in ages so it felt really good. I was glad I met him, it felt like I knew him so much longer than a few hours though. I knew he was going to be a great friend, I could just tell.

He was just so easy to be around, fun and really friendly. He kinda reminds me of Aiden. He offered to walk me back but I denied it and said I’d be fine by myself. He closed the door softly behind me and I shouted that I’ll call him and I heard him chuckle.

When I got back to my room Leigh was typing away on his laptop and Peyton was nowhere to be seen.

“When did you get back and where’s Peyton?” I asked, he looked up from his laptop just noticing I was back.

“A few minutes ago and she went to get some supper” I mumbled a reply and jumped onto the bed. Wrapping the covers around me and pulling my laptop towards me.

“Is she staying over?” I unlocked my laptop and pulled up a few webpages that I was looking last night. It was part of a research project I had to hand in early next week. Before I could open a document to write some notes.

My laptop lid was slammed shut, I glared at him and opened it again.

“Can’t you just go one night without working, you’re going to stress yourself out, I’ll let you work from tomorrow onwards”

“It’s past midnight though” I noticed smugly.

He rolled his eyes, “Just have a good night’s sleep then resume ok?”

I nodded defeated, I didn’t want a repeat of last year during exam period. That was an experience I didn’t want to have again.

I shut my lid shutting it down and moved it onto my desk. I slid down comfortably onto my pillows and snuggled next to him. He played some music in the background of his laptop whilst he showed me a few things that were quite hilarious.

We fell asleep not too long after and all I could remember when I woke up was that one photo, Z’s photo.


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Sorry if the build up is kinda slow but i got it all planned out soo just keep reading we'll get there

Next update is probably around next wednesday, maybe earlier if i can get it done :P

Votes and Comments will help ;) haha 

myparadise15 xx

Locking up my heart (boyxboy) Completeحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن